The Bush Nursing Centre
The Bush Nursing Centre at Koo Wee Rup was established in July 1918. The Bush Nursing Hospital Movement began in 1910 with the
establishment of the Victorian Bush Nursing Association (V.B.N.A.). At the time
the current medical system consisted of big hospitals such as the Royal
Melbourne which were run along charitable lines and whose role was to treat
poor people, who could not afford to pay a Doctors fee. There were also private
hospitals which only the wealthy could afford. To help offset medical costs
Friendly Societies or Lodges were established which people could join for a
yearly fee. This gave them access to the Friendly Society doctor and access to
medicine dispensed from the Friendly Society Dispensary. There was also a
growing move to nurse people in their own homes through what is now the Royal
District Nursing Service. People in the
city and the suburbs could have a nurse visit them to help recover from
confinements and general illness. This type of service took pressure off the
public Hospitals. Lady Dudley, the wife of the Governor General, was aware of
these visiting nurses and had also seen firsthand the need for skilled nurses
in the bush, so from these experiences came the idea of Bush Nursing Hospitals.
Lady Dudley (1867-1920) promoted and raised money for the idea and thus the
Victorian Bush Nursing Association began in 1910. (1)
To obtain a Bush Nursing Centre, the local community had
to raise the money to fund the cost of the nurse’s salary, board, uniform and a
‘means of locomotion’. The salary was set by the Bush Nursing Association at
the rate of around £80.00 per annum, the rate of pay for a hospital nurse with
five or six years experience. The first Victorian nurse was appointed to Beech
Forest in March 1911 (2). The first Bush Nurse at Koo Wee Rup was Nurse Homewood,
who commenced work on July 1, 1918.
Ellen Amelia ‘Nell’ Homewood was born October 2, 1891 in Rockhampton, in Queensland, to Alfred and Margaret (nee Burns) Homewood, of Lavendale, Kunwarara. She was the seventh of their thirteen children. Ellen undertook midwifery training at the Rockhampton Women’s Hospital; four of Ellen’s sisters were also nurses, and two of them, Martha and Grace, served in the Australian Army Nursing Service in World War One. In 1917, Ellen was the Bush Nurse at Cowangie Hospital and from there she came to Koo Wee Rup.(3).
The Lang Lang Guardian
reported on her arrival in the town - Almost
as soon as she arrived Nurse Homewood's services were called into action at
Kooweerup. Little Jim Ellis had the distinction of being the first patient. On
Tuesday night the nurse was called to Dalmore, but got back in time for the
welcome. (4).
The President of the Koo Wee Rup Bush Nursing Association in Koo Wee Rup was William Eason and the Secretary was George Burhop. At the function to welcome Nurse Homewood, Mr Eason said -
Bush nurses filled a great want in districts where the services of a medical man were unobtainable. They had a great many trials and difficulties to contend with, and it was their duty to alleviate suffering and save life. It was to their interest to join heartily in the movement and make it a great success. He welcomed Nurse Homewood to Kooweerup. The
Lang Lang Guardian report continued
Nurse Homewood, who is quite a young-looking girl, made an appropriate response, and hoped they would all work well together (5).
After the speeches A musical programme was rendered. Miss Jessie Johnson played
a selection by Beethoven in fine style. Songs were rendered by Mrs C. Donald
excellently. "An Old Love Dream" and
"Sleep, Little Ruflly,
Fluffly Bird," Mr Lupson was in great form, and rendered several songs,
"Take a Pair of Spark ling Eyes." "Glorious Devon," and was
warmly encored, giving "The Land of I Dunno Where," and "Shirts," a comic item which elicited much laughter. Mr Wallace sang
"My Old Shako" and "On Dooley's Farm," both items being
well rendered and loudly applauded. Refreshments were abundant and choice,
presided over as usual by Mrs Morrison. A dance was held afterwards, the
company separating at 1am. (6).
Nurse Homewood was at Koo Wee Rup until March 1919, when she took up a position at the newly opened bush nursing centre at Toolondo which is between Horsham and Goroke (7). At the May 1919 Koo Wee Rup Bush Nursing Association Annual meeting it was reported that in the past nine months the nurse’s attention was called on 753 occasions (8) so she would have been extremely busy.
On May 13, 1920, Ellen Homewood married Archibald McBride Broderick. Arch, as he was known, had served in the AIF, enlisting in April 1916 and returning home in July 1919. He was a Bank Manager with the Commercial Bank and in the first decade of their marriage his career took them all over Australia – the Electoral Rolls show they lived in Mildura, Maryborough in Queensland and Cairns in Queensland. From the 1930s they were back in Melbourne. Ellen died February 9, 1975 and her death notice lists one daughter, Margaret, and two grandchildren. Arch died in January 1974, aged 84.
The next Bush Nurse was Nurse McKay, and I have no other information about her. Nurse McKay was followed by Mary Ellen Walsh, who took up the role April 21, 1920 (10). In February 1920, the Koo Wee Rup Sun reported that the Bush Nurse was forced to live three miles out of the town because while residents are desirous of having the services of a nurse in connection with the Bush Nursing Centre, yet there are no homes willing to take one in. This enforces her to stay at a residence three miles out, but she drives in very day to attend her duties. The position is very unsatisfactory. (11).
Since I wrote this, Barry Hester contacted me and told me that Mary Walsh was a very good friend of his grandmother, Margaret Hester (nee Knopp). When they were both living in Gisborne she delivered four of Margaret's children. Mary then moved to Koo Wee Rup to take up the position of Bush Nurse and convinced Margaret to also move to the area, which she did, buying a farm on McDonalds Drain Road. One of the incentives for the move was that Nurse Walsh said there would be work for the five Hester sons. Margaret's husband was a miner and so was frequently away. It is more than likely, as Barry said, that Nurse Walsh, after she arrived, that she lived out on McDonald's Drain with the Hesters. (12)
Mary Walsh, Bush Nurse at Koo Wee Rup
Photo: Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society
In July 1920, the
Koo Wee Rup Sun reported that the Koo Wee Rup Bush Nursing Committee would like to employ an assistant for the Nurse, but they could afford to do so. They did however decide to pay the rent on the consulting room
as it was unfair that their nurse should be saddled with this expense (13).
Nurse Walsh was the Matron at the Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital after it opened on May 23, 1923 and due to a healthy financial situation in the October of that year it was decided to grant her a board allowance. As it was explained at a Committee meeting she has increased responsibilities, and the success of the centre was largely due to the able and faithful services Nurse Walsh had given. They also said it would not cost much, as the public largely donated edibles to the institution. (14).
Nurse Walsh was granted six months leave in January 1924, due to ill health, and at her farewell function it was noted that she had been connected with the centre for about four years. The Koo Wee Rup Sun reported on her farewell function - By her fondness for duty; capable attention to those needing her aid, and lovable disposition she is held in the highest esteem by every individual in Kooweerup and district. Nurse Walsh was presented with a travelling rug, leather suit case and an envelope containing, it is hoped, enough lucre to bring her back again to Kooweerup. As a matter of interest, whilst she was in Koo Wee Rup, Mary Ellen Walsh brought to life no fewer than 66 babes. She was a mother not only to the children, but to mothers she had nursed, as well as men. (15).
Sadly for the town, Nurse Walsh, did not return to Koo Wee Rup and in August 1924, she was
still residing in Western Australia and
making good progress.
(16). In the 1925 and 1926 Electoral Rolls there is a Mary Ellen Walsh, Nurse, listed at 225 Beaconsfield Parade, Middle Park. This address was Salerno, a boarding house. This may well be 'our' Nurse Walsh, but I can't trace her life otherwise. (17)
Update on Nurse Walsh
Koo Wee Rup Sun, August 7, 1924 p. 4
It was not surprising that Nurse Walsh needed so much time off to recover when you consider just how busy these Bush Nurses were, how much responsibility they had and how little professional support they had, as they so often worked alone.
The Nurses Cottage constructed in 1921
In 1920 it was decided to erect a hospital in Koo Wee Rup and in May of that year the following advertisement appeared in the Koo Wee Rup Sun. In the July it was announced that plans would be drawn up for a Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital. (18).
Donations sought for a Hospital
Koo Wee Rup Sun May 20 1920 p.1
The plans from the Architects were for a wooden building, with verandahs, which would accommodate four beds. The estimated cost of the building was £1970, or if it was built in brick £2160. The Koo Wee Rup Bush Nursing Committee considered this to be too expensive, they had only wanted to spend £700, so it was suggested that they should initially proceed with the nurse's quarters (19).
Mr Burhop said he had had a conversation with Mr Colvin [the local builder] re the erection of quarters for the nurse. He had suggested a working bee to have the place put up in 24 hours. Mr Colvin said he was prepared to take the lead and supervise the work. If this could be done they would only have to bear the expense of the timber. (20).
The first working bee was scheduled for April 14 and 15, 1921 and everyone is expected to become busy bees (21). And not just the men were to help - Ladies will be present to encourage the menfolk by providing morning and afternoon lunch (22). The building wasn't completed in the two days, and another working bee was scheduled the next week. In the end J. Bould finished the building, the chimneys were bricked by the Whiteside Brothers and a sub-committee of ladies furnished the Cottage (23). At the Annual meeting held June 15, 1921 the Committee could announce that the Cottage was completed; they would consider finding an assistant for their nurse [who] was nearly run off her feet and that two midwifery patients could be taken into the Cottage at a time. (24)
The working bee to construct the Nurse's Cottage
Koo Wee Rup Sun, April 7, 1921 p. 1
The Working Bee to construct the Nurse's Home in 1921.
Image: Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society
The Working Bee to construct the Nurse's Home in 1921.
Image: Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society
The Working Bee to construct the Nurse's Home in 1921.
Image: Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society
Koo Wee Rup Bush Nursing Centre, Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital opened in 1923
In May 23, 1923 the Bush Nursing Centre, Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital was opened in Station Street. It was opened by the Shire President, Cr E.Simpson Hill. During the ceremony, Mrs Margaret Hamilton officially opened a ward in honor of the late Kitty Townson. I have written about these two women, here. The Hospital could accommodate medical, surgical and midwifery patients. There is a full report of the opening,
At the ceremony a plaque was unveiled to honor the local soldiers who had not returned from the War. The names engraved on the memorial tablet are: - J. Banbury, D.G. Bethune, S. Blake, J. Bryant, T. Bryant, M. Callanan, L. Coates, P. Davis, J. Davy, C. Garbellini, H. Hamilton, J. Hannaker, R. Martin, C. Osborne, J. O’Shea, J. Randle, J. Slocombe, A. Williams, C. Woods. I have written about these men, here.
Advertisement for the opening of the new Hospital
Koo Wee Rup Sun, May 3, 1923, p.1

The Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital
Image: Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society
Random Medical Matters at Koo Wee Rup
In May 1923, the first Resident Doctor, Dr Lyell Andrews, arrived. In February 1925, Dr Alan Hewitt and his wife, Vera, who was a trained nurse, took over Dr Andrew's practice. Dr Alan retired from practice in 1963; his son Dr John worked in Koo Wee Rup from 1951 until 1955 and another son, Dr Ian, commenced practice in the town in 1955 and retired in 1995. On July 20, 1925, Chemist, Felix Tattam, opened his pharmacy in Rossiter Road. Felix sold his business in 1934 to Mr Brewis (25)
Felix Tattam's advertisements from the Koo Wee Rup Sun during 1926
On June 9, 1930 he married Sister Olive Tuffin, who was the Matron of the Hospital. Olive had arrived in Koo Wee Rup sometime in 1928, but was certainly there in the December as she helped treat the people injured in the Christmas Eve train accident, see below. Olive Tuffin was born in Tasmania and 'trained at the Hobart General Hospital. Her fellow trainee, Sister Morley, also worked at Koo Wee Rup (26).
Sister Tuffin retires from duty due to her forthcoming wedding
Marriage notice of Olive Tuffin and Felix Tattam
Dr Hewitt and
Dr Sydney Appleford, the Lang Lang doctor, gave medical attention to the victims of the railway accident at Koo Wee Rup. The accident occurred on December 24, 1928. Fifty two people were injured
In October 1929, The Argus reported -
The serious railway accident which occured at Koo-wee-rup station on Christmas Eve last year and the growing needs of the town impressed upon the committee of the Koo-wee-rup Bush Nursing Hospital the necessity for increased accommodation and the result has been the addition of an enclosed verandah of the type common to the majority of bush nursing hospitals in Victoria. This verandah was opened on Saturday by Lady Barrett, in the presence of a large gathering of residents of Koo-wee-rup and surrounding districts. Of liberal dimensions the verandah has ample room for 10 bed, which means the accommodation of the hospital has been doubled. (28)
In the first week of September 1930 there were five babies born at the Hospital. Daughters to Mr and Mrs Tom Burton, Mr and Mrs Frank Egan, Mr and Mrs S. Games, and sons to Dr and Mrs Hewitt and Mr and Mrs Blythman (29).
During the flood of December 1934, patients were evacuated through the roof. The Argus of December 3, 1934 had this report -Koo-wee-rup Hospital was flooded to a depth of 7ft within a few minutes, and the patients, some of whom were seriously ill, were trapped before they could be moved. Mr Clarence Fenner, who had undergone an operation for appendicitis a few hours beforehand, was in bed, and unable to help himself. His father, who was on the railway platform, waded and swam through the swirling water to the hospital, and climbed on to the roof, where with the assistance of Mr Gannon, he cut a hole in the
galvanised iron and pulled his boy to safety up through the hole. Aided by others who came to the rescue, the 10 remaining patients in the wards were taken out in the same manner.
Heroism and Fortitude
Mrs Mary Ann Bolleman, aged 59 years, another patient, held a baby in her arms above the water for 15 hours with the water surging above her neck before they were rescued. Mrs A. Adams and her baby which was born only the night before were being pulled out when the child was dropped into the water. She grasped the child's clothing frantically and saved it from drifting away. Both were raised through the opening to safety. (30).
The baby was James (also known as Toby) the son of Albert and Annie (nee Davies) of Manks Road in Dalmore (31).
In October 1935, the new operating theatre was opened. Lady Mitchell, the President of the Victorian Bush Nursing Association, congratulated the Koo Wee Rup committee on the addition to the Hospital (32).
In 1938, for the first time, rates of pay and conditions of work were set for nurses in Victoria. Nurses were to work a fifty hour week (33).
In August 1939 the annual meeting of the Hospital re-elected the out-going committee. President – J.L. O’Riordan ; Treasurer – W. Dick; Secretary - G.R Burhop; Committee Mesdames J.L O’Riordan and G.R Burhop and Messers Gilchrist and Powrie (34).
Towards the end of 1945 a Committee was established to build a new Hospital in Koo Wee Rup, to be called the Westernport Memorial Hospital. (35).
In 1946 an Infant Welfare Centre was established in the R.S.L room at the Memorial Hall. It moved to a new building in Alexander Avenue, where it opened July 26, 1949. In 1953 a Pre-school was established in the Infant Welfare Centre grounds. In September 1960 they both moved to a new building in Rossiter Road (36).
On December 4, 1955 the Westernport Memorial Hospital was opened. On July 28, 1955 a public meeting had been held to establish a Ladies Auxiliary (37).
Notice of meeting to establish the Hospital Ladies Auxiliary
Koo Wee Rup Sun, July 20, 1955, p.4
(1) Priestley, Susan
Bush Nursing in Victoria: 1910-1985, the first 75 years (Victorian Bush Nursing Association/Lothian 1986). Lady Dudley (1867-1920, nee Rachel Gurney) - Obituary in
The Argus, June 29, 1920, see
here; Australian Dictionary of Biography, entry
(2) Priestley, op. cit.
(3) Sources on and Indexes to the Queensland Births, Deaths and Marriages. Her mother, Margaret Homewood, died aged 57 in 1919, read her obituary in the Rockhampton
Morning Bulletin of June 21, 1919,
here. Her father, Alfred William Homewood, died aged 90 in 1944, read his obituary in the Rockhampton
Morning Bulletin of September 23, 1944,
(4) Lang Lang Guardian July 5, 1918, p. 2.
(5) Lang Lang Guardian July 5, 1918, p. 3
(6) Ibid
The Argus, March 3, 1919, see
(8) Koo Wee Rup Sun, May 7 1919, p. 1
(9) Marriage Certificate; Electoral Rolls on Ancestry; Arch Broderick (SN 3763) Attestation file at the National Archives of Australia, see
Death notice Arch Broderick
The Age January 15, 1974
Death notice Ellen Amelia Broderick
The Age February 10, 1975
(11) Koo Wee Rup Sun, February 12, 1920, p. 1
(13) Koo Wee Rup Sun, July 1, 1920, p. 4.
(14) Koo Wee Rup Sun, October 25, 1923, p. 2
(15) Koo Wee Rup Sun, January 31, 1924, p. 3
(16) Koo Wee Rup Sun, August 7, 1924, p. 4
(17) Electoral Rolls, an Salerno, 225 Beaconsfield Parade
(18) Koo Wee Rup Sun, July 22 1920, p. 1
(19) Koo Wee Rup Sun, November 11, 1920, p. 5
(20) Ibid
(21) Koo Wee Rup Sun, April 7, 1921 p.1
(22) Koo Wee Rup Sun, April 14, 1921 p. 5
(23) Mickle, David J. Mickle Memories of Koo Wee Rup (The Author, 1983) p. 77; Koo Wee Rup Sun June 16, 1921, p. 4.
(24) Koo Wee Rup Sun, June 23, 1921, p. 4.
(25) Mickle, David J. Mickle Memories of Koo Wee Rup (The Author, 1983) and More Mickle Memories of Koo Wee Rup (The Author, 1987); notes compiled by Jack Mills at the Koo Wee Rup Swamp Historical Society; Felix Tattam had an advertisement in the Koo Wee Rup Sun in July 1925, advertising to be opened July 20, 1925.
(26) The Koo Wee Rup Sun published a letter from Sister Tuffin on January 10, 1929, thanking the many kind helpers who assisted with the treatment of the injured in the train accident. David Mickle, in volume 2 of his Memories listed Matron Tuffin and Nurse Morley as being in charge of the Hospital in July 1929.
Nurse Tuffin and Nurse Morley pass their nursing examinations in Hobart and were both later to serve at Koo Wee Rup.
(27) Links and photographs here (28)
The Argus, October 28, 1929, see
(29) Mickle, David J More Mickle Memories of Koo Wee Rup op. cit p. 40
The Argus, December 3, 1934, see
The Argus, October 28, 1935, see
The Argus, November 11, 1938, see
(34) Mickle, David J More Mickle Memories of Koo Wee Rup op. cit p. 162.
Dandenong Journal, December 12, 1945, see
Dandenong Journal, January 30, 1946, see
(36) Mickle, David J. Koo Wee Rup: a brief history of 130 years, 1839-1969 (published for the 1969 Back-to celebrations); Koo Wee Rup Sun, August 8, 1949.
(37) Westernport Memorial Hospital opening report, see
Koo Wee Rup Sun July 20, 1955, p. 4;
Koo Wee Rup Sun, September 14, 1960, p. 1 and 3.
This post was first written in 2014 and updated and expanded in 2023.
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