Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Road names at Cora Lynn, Vervale, Iona and catani

The Pakenham Gazette of December 21, 1976 had this article about road names - the issue is that roads had a change of name when they crossed from the Shire of Berwick/Shire of Pakenham* to the Shire of Cranbourne - the Shire boundary was the No. 7 Drain Road, now itself renamed to Mynard Road. So in the end the only change that I can see is that Sinclair Road in the Shire of Berwick was renamed Bennett Road in line with the Shire of Cranbourne name. Dessent Road still becomes Taplins Road; Simpson Road still becomes McDonalds Road; Pitt Road still becomes Humphries Road and Little Road still becomes Carses Road. The article says that finality has now been reached in regard to three of these roads. Well clearly not - I presume that the Councils threw it into the 'too hard' basket - in which case - why can't we get Sinclair Road back? The original family property, 56 acres (Lot 25, Section N) taken up by my great grandfather, James Rouse, in 1903, has two road frontages - Murray Road and Sinclair Road, so we know Sinclair Road well. W Sinclair is on the Koo Wee Rup East Parish Plan (in Sinclair Road) owning 120 acres, Allotments 28 & 29, Section N - I think he deserves his road back!

Standard names for three roads
Some time ago Pakenham Shire Council initiated  a move to standardise , if possible, the names of the roads passing from this to the neighbouring Shire of Cranbourne. Finality has now been reached in regard to three of these roads. 

Pakenham Council passed the matter over to the Berwick-Pakenham Historical Society which came up with the various recommendations based mainly on the names of the original or early settlers on the roads concerned. These recommendations were then passed onto the Shire of Cranbourne.

That municipality passed back its comments to last week's meeting of the Pakenham Council. They considered that the following standard names should be used Bennetts, Taplins, McDonalds, Pitt and Little.

(The Historical Society had recommended Bennetts, Dessent, Simpson, Pitt and Little and council sought further information about the recommendations for Simpson Road)

In a brief  discussion Cr Moore pointed out that there was agreement in regard to the names of three of roads - Bennetts, Pitt and Little. Why not adopt those and leave the others open for later discussion? he asked.

Council agreed with this view and carried a motion in line with it.

*Shire of Berwick was established May 5, 1868. It split in 1973 and the City of Berwick and the Shire of Pakenham were formed on October 1 in that year. The Shire of Cranbourne was established February 2, 1868.

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