The Largest Hog Farm in Australia, part 1(From The Leader)
The largest pig breeding establishment in Australia is situated about a couple of miles from the Monomeith railway station in Gippsland, and is only 48 miles from Melbourne. Pig breeding and fattening on an extensive scale was started here some four years ago by Mr. Murphy, who continued long enough in the business to discover that the handsome profits which he had worked out on paper were not so easily realised in practice. Mr. Murphy was possessed of independent means, however, and although the neighbors alleged that he was more theoretical than practical in his knowledge of pigs, he must be credited with having formulated a system for breeding and fattening them on a large scale that may be taken as a model and guide in many respects by even the most experienced farmers.
At the present time Messrs. Waters and Son have about 800 head of pigs on the farm. The breeding sows number 160, which they intend to intend to increase next year to 250 head. Two litters are taken from each sow in the year. The litters average about six pigs, which number is considered more profitable than larger litters. The 160 sows produce annually nearly 2,000 pigs, which are all fattened and sold as porkers at from six to seven months old. This then is the extent of the business carried on, which, so far as we are aware, is the largest of the kind in Australia.
On an average one sow farrows every day, and from 40 to 50 porkers are sent to market every week. Mr. Waters, jun., who has the sole management of the farm, estimates that the total cost of producing six months old porkers, weighing from 60lb to 701b, is about 7s 6d per head. The average price of these fat pigs ranges from 25s to 80s, so that the margin of profit is about £1 per head. These figures were furnished by Mr. Waters himself, so that anyone who doubts their accuracy may know whom to hold responsible.
The Largest Hog Farm in Australia, part 2(From The Leader)
A week ago we reproduced an extract from an article in the "Leader" under the above heading. This was apparently read with great interest by many of our farming friends, as we have had several inquiries since as to the mode of feeding and rearing on this farm, and in order to furnish this information, we feel that it cannot be better explained than by giving the remaining portion of the article which appeared in the "Leader" as follows :
In the first place it may be stated that the farm consists of 602 acres of rich level land. About 400 acres are devoted to the pigs and for cultivation purposes, the remainder being kept for cattle grazing. There are 10 securely fenced paddocks, eight of which severally contain 37 acres, the two remaining paddocks being 9 acres each in extent. The fences are all thoroughly pig proof, and their total length is about 10 miles. They are constructed in rather a costly fashion. The fence is erected on the post and wire style to commence with, the top and bottom wires being barbed, and against this is placed a wire netting of 4-inch mesh and 3 feet high. The wire netting alone costs about £33 per mile in Melbourne, so that when this is added to posts and strand wire the fences are obviously substantial. But they are good, if expensive, and give greater satisfaction than could be obtained from a less costly erection.
The paddocks are all well supplied with water by means of windmills. There are four windmills on the place, two of which are placed so that the water troughs project into the corners of four paddocks. A great deal of water is also used about the feeding yards, and for this purpose pipes are laid down connecting the tanks of two of the windmills. The object in connecting two of the tanks is to provide against accident to either of the windmills, when the supply of water at the feeding pens would be cut short, causing no end of inconvenience and loss.
Pasture is solely relied upon for maintaining the sows through pregnancy, and also for bringing forward the growing pigs. The grasses usually grown are clover, ryegrass and cocksfoot. A great deal of other food is provided in the shape of mangels, turnips, peas and rape. One hundred acres of peas, 20 acres of turnips and 15 acres of mangels are grown, besides rape, which is sown with the grass seed in the paddock that is annually laid down to pasture.
There is no doubt that milk would be much more wholesome for the pigs than water in conjunction with other foods, but the cost of the milk would not be light however high its feeding value might be. The breeding and fattening pens, as may he imagined, are very extensive. They are built in two long rows, of about 200 yards in length, but some distance apart. One row of pens, which was constructed by Mr. Murphy, is built solely of wood; the other has been erected by the present owners, and is built chiefly of corrugated iron. The old pens are all 14 x 7 feet in size, but the new ones are only 11 x 6 feet. These are the sizes of the breeding pens. The fattening pens are 18 x 14 feet, not including the sleeping berths, the dimensions of which are 10 x 11 feet. The breeding pens are floored with wood ; while the fattening pens are floored with concrete, which is made of 1 part cement to 5 of sand.
Again, the troughs in the breeding pens are made of wood, while those in the fattening yards are solid iron. A feed tramway runs the whole length immediately in front of the pens, and at various points there are water taps and large feed boxes for mixing and preparing the feed. The boiling water required for scalding the meal is obtained from a large kettle or boiler adjoining the boxes used for mixing the feed. All the arrangements for feeding are very complete, and planned so that the feed can be handled with
as little labor as possible. The help employed consists of four men, two of whom only are solely engaged in attending to the pigs, the others being required for field work.
The breed of pigs maintained is the Berkshire chiefly, although there are a few of the Middle Yorkshire variety. All round, the pigs are good sorts, but they would stand some improvement, in our opinion, particularly in regard to size. Many of the Berkshires appeared to be smaller than we usually find them in well bred herds. Four boars are kept. They are not allowed to run with the sows, but are taken out for service as required. The sows come around their pens when they want anything. Breeding goes on every day in the year. When the boars are rung they are quiet and easily handled, but without the snout ring they are simply unmanageable. All the sows are rung as well, but the fatteningpigs are allowed to root.
Mr. Waters sells all his fat pigs at, Dandenong. Formerly he used to send them to Melbourne, but he finds the local market more convenient, and attended with less expense. From the success achieved at Monomeith, it is to be hoped that other farmers in Victoria may be induced to commence pig breeding and fattening on an equally large scale. We might then expect to see more bacon factories established throughout the colony, which would afford the farmer the means of disposing of this class of stock at a remunerative rate. The demand for bacon is practically unlimited, and there is no reason why such an establishment should not pay well in every district. Victoria ought to export bacon instead of importing it in large quantities ; but even as things are, the farmer who makes pig breeding and bacon curing an important part of his business will have an immense advantage over one who ignores or despises the benefits the humble animal in question is able to confer.
I found Mr. Walters at home, and after cooling down in the rambling old house, for the day was extremely hot, we started for a ramble over the place. Mr. Murphey, besides erecting miles of pig-proof fencing, built many substantial pig-sties, with the necessary offices for storing and cooking the food for the pigs. An abundance of water is obtained from a well, and raised by a wind-mill pump to tanks, whence it is distributed to where it is required. The sties are situated on rather a low piece of ground, and in winter they were very wet. Mr. Walters has made some fine sties for the sows to farrow in, care being taken to give them a sound flooring. He has also put up a number of fattening sties, each of which will accommodate comfortably 15 pigs. As fattening bacon hogs for the Melbourne market is not a profitable occupation at present, these sties are not likely to be used for some time to come.
I found the pigs everywhere, and noticed that the Berkshire was the type throughout. The sows were large, roomy animals, good breeders, and able to rustle for their living, such as a farm pig should be. It does not answer, I found, to keep a large number of sows in the paddock. The stronger of the young pigs get the lion's share of the milk, and the weakly ones consequently grow up puny. The sows do not, or are unable to, distinguish their own young in the lot, and with them it is first come first served in the way of supplying milk. It is, therefore, considered advisable to keep only a few sows together, and to do this necessitates many small enclosures.
All the fences I saw on Old Monomeith were made pig-proof by the addition of a strong wire netting with a 4in. mesh. Of this netting there are 10 miles put up on the property. It was imported by Mr. Murphey for the purpose of making pig-proof fences, and cost, landed in Melbourne, £33 per ton.This mode of making pig-proof fences is much approved by those who keep pigs in the neighbourhood. The surplus netting has been bought up by them for the purpose of making small pig paddocks. I was surprised to learn that bacon hogs fattened on good wholesome food realise such a very low price in Melbourne. Mr. Walters told me that he seldom got over 2d. per lb. for his fat hogs, a price which leaves no margin of profit. Rather than sell at that rate it would pay well to start a bacon-curing factory in the district. It is always difficult to buy really fine bacon in Melbourne, and the prices charged range from 7d. to 1s. per lb. retail.
Raising porkers for the market pays fairly well, and most pigbreeders about here have gone into the business. A great many porkers are raised and fattened on Old Monomeith. I happened to pass through a paddock in which 150 porkers, all under four months old, were grazed. It was feeding-time, and they had just received their ration of peas cut from the stack. The youngsters were expected to do their own thrashing and gristing, and they did it thoroughly. The sound of all their jaws being busily employed grinding up the peas was a most peculiar one. There was no grunting or squealing, the work was done in silence, for to indulge in any expression of opinion would be to lose valuable time. They were fed twice a day, and were rapidly becoming fit subjects for the butcher. Doubtless ere this a considerable proportion of them have appeared in metropolitan butchers'shops.
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