Showing posts with label Halls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halls. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2024

The opening of the Dalmore Public Hall in 1925

The Public Hall at Dalmore was officially on Friday, November 27, 1925.

The opening of the Dalmore Hall
Koo Wee Rup Sun, November 26, 1925, p. 1

It was to have been opened by the Prime Minister, the Right Honorable S.M. Bruce, who was also the local parliamentarian, being the member for Flinders. As it was, he couldn't make it due to the death of the Queen Mother, or Queen Alexandra, widow of George VII, and mother of George V, who died on November 20, 1925.

The Dalmore Hall in 2017
Image: Stewart Chambers. Pakenham Gazette April 27, 2017

The Dalmore Hall eventually fell into disrepair and disuse and was sold off by the few remaining members of the Dalmore Hall Trust in 2017. It was restored and is now a private home.

The original plan of the Dalmore Hall, as sent to the Department of Public Health, along with all the specifications on October 15, 1925.
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 7882/P0001, 1087

The Koo Wee Rup Sun of December 3, 1925, p.2 had this extensive report on the opening of the Dalmore Hall. I have added some information in the footnotes about some of the people mentioned, in the article. 

Dalmore Public Hall. Opening ceremony

About six years ago Mr A. Cochrane (1) recognized the great potentialities and possibilities of the Dalmore district, and in keeping with such faith mooted the idea that a public hall should be erected as a rendezvous for social and educational functions. He realised that the young life of a community should be provided with all the essential social attractions to counteract the influence of life and gaiety of the city, and if such were not catered for, then the dull and drab existence would only bring discontentment and unrest, and conditions would be unbearable and young folk will flow to where the environments could be tolerated and enjoyed

Mr Cochrane conveyed his suggestion to Mr H.R. Boyd
(2), who immediately took the matter up with enthusiasm. It was a most ambitious scheme, and they were fully cognisant that it would entail much hard work before their object would be achieved. It has been said that the only road to success is to make the attempt, so the matter was brought under the notice of other persons, with the result that four years ago a trust was formed comprising Messrs A. Cochrane, E. Mills, T. Wood, S. Christie, W. Hardy, J. Hardy senr., and H.R. Boyd. (3)

These gentlemen set to work with a will, collectors were appointed, and all sorts of functions devised to further the scheme. The response to their appeals were most liberal, and about 12 months ago it was resolved that the time was opportune to have the edifice erected. Land was purchased on the south side of the railway line, adjoining the State school, and Mr R.M. King (4) was instructed to draw up plans. When tenders were received the trustees decided to give Mr A.F. Boote (5), of Dandenong, the contract. 

Tenders invited for the Dalmore Hall, from the Architect, R.M. King.

The building is a large and commodious structure, and cost £1000. On entering the building ladies and gentlemen’s dressing rooms are on each side of a passage which leads to the main hall. This hall is 72ft by 29ft 8in.,and has two side entrances. At the back are a kitchen and supper room. For the purpose of concerts and lectures there is a removable stage. Special attention has been given to the floor, which alone cost £220. It is composed of New Zealand kauri, and has been laid down to make it eminently suitable for dancing. Having the edifice erected, it was decided to have a committee in control, and a few weeks ago officers were elected, with Mr E. Mills as president and Mr H. Boyd, hon. Secretary.

Last Friday evening the hall was an auspicious occasion, as it was officially opened by holding a concert and dance. The Prime Minister (Hon. S.M. Bruce) and the Minister for Lands (Hon. A. Downward) both had promised to attend, but owing to the death of the Queen Mother the sent apologies for their absence and regretted being unable to be present. The night was ideal for such a function, and there was an over-crowded attendance, all the surrounding districts being represented.

Mr E. Mills presided, and after apologizing for the absence of Mr Bruce and Mr Downward referred to the method which had been adopted in raising money towards the erection of the hall. They had collected £500, and another £500 had been raised by persons signing a joint and several loans. He eulogised the splendid spirit which all residents had exhibited in co-operating to achieve success, and specially mentioned Messrs A. Cochrane and H. Boyd for the untiring efforts they had put forth.

Cr. G.R. Burhop (6) tendered congratulations to the public on having such a beautiful hall, and hoped many pleasant evenings would be spent there.

Mr A. Cochrane expressed great pleasure in being present, especially as he had initiated the movement towards having the building erected and wished the institution every success.

The Shire President (Cr McCulloch (7)) in declaring the hall opened complimented the workers in their success. It was only fitting that Dalmore, which is one of the finest places in southern Victoria, should have such an edifice. It would be a place where young and old would meet for social and educational functions, and it should be instrumental in enriching their lives in every way. He wished the committee and the people every success in their venture.

The following musical programme was then rendered, the items being greatly appreciated, and numerous encores were responded to:- Overture McAlpin Bros’ orchestra; song, Miss Wilson; recitation, Miss Dodd; song, Miss Hunter; song and dance, Miss Crocker; instrumental quartette, McAlpin Bros’ orchestra; song, Mrs Williams; banjo solo, Mr Higham; song, Miss Gallagher; Highland dancing, Misses Evans and Ross; song, Mrs Williams; recitation, Miss Dodd; Highland dancing, Misses Evans and Ross; instrumental quartette, McAlpin Bros’ orchestra; song, Miss Hunter; song, Miss Gallagher; comic song, Mr Edgley; song, Miss Wilson; song and dance, Miss Crocker; comic song, Mr Higham.

At the conclusion of the concert Cr M. Bennett (8) moved a comprehensive vote of thanks be accorded to the performers and workers. This was seconded by Cr Taylor (9), and carried by acclamation.

On behalf of the committee, Mr E. Mills thanked Mr and Mrs Boyd for donating a beautifully framed picture of the Prince of Wales, which is be hung on the walls.

Supper was then served in a large marquee, and indefatigable body of workers, under the direction of Mrs S. Christie (10), attending to the wants of the patrons.

Dancing was afterwards kept going till the early hours of the morning to delectable music provided by the St. Kilda Melody Merchants.

The committee are deeply indebted to Mr J. Hardy, senr., who has lent his piano to the hall until another is purchased, also for a loan to purchase Gloria lights.

The committee, and especially the hon. secretary (Mr H.R. Boyd), must be congratulated on the harmonious way in which everything in connection with the ceremony passed off.

A new kitchen was added in 1954; it was a 15 feet by 14 feet room with a skillion roof, at the back of the original kitchen. The original kitchen wall was removed to give more floor space, as the plan notes.

The Kitchen extension plan from April 1954.
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 7882/P0001, 1087

A function was held at the Hall in September 1954 and the Dandenong Journal reported that - 
the whole gathering was in rapturous praise of the Dalmore Hall committee for the excellent job they had done with the extensions and renovations to the Hall. The building has been lengthened and lined, new ceiling erected, new kitchen built and the hall brightly painted throughout; also the floor prepared for dancing in such manner that the hall will be the envy of all who attend in future. (Dandenong Journal, September 15, 1954, see here)

(1) Alexander Fleming Cochrane, involved in the Dalmore Progress Association and agitated to have a school opened in Dalmore (it opened in August 1920). He was listed in the Electoral Rolls at Dalmore from 1914 until 1924. His occupation was a clerk.  His wife was  Alice Maud Cochrane (nee Smith). By 1931 they were living in Bentleigh. Alexander died in 1959, aged 83.

The Age, November 20, 1959, p.23 from

(2) Harold Reginald Boyd, farmer, lived at Dalmore, with his wife Charlotte (nee Doherty) from around 1922 until the 1940s, he had a Soldier Settlement block. He appealed against the SRWSC valuation of the farm in 1940, you can read about this and his farm in the Dandenong Journal, February 21, 1940, here. He moved to Dandenong in the 1940s, and operated a hardware shop. Harold died in 1963, aged 67.

(3) Other Trust members - 
E. Mills - this is W.E. Mills, listed in the 1927 article, below, as leaving the district. There is a William Ernest Mills, a farmer, at Koo Wee Rup and later Dalmore, but according to the Electoral Rolls, he didn't appear to leave the district. Can't confirm who this is at the moment

South Bourke & Mornington Journal July 21, 1927
T. Wood - Thomas Cuddeford Wood, listed in the 1924 and 1927 Electoral Rolls as a farmer of Dalmore. He later moved to Dandenong, where he died at the age of 71, and you can read his obituary in the Dandenong Journal of  November 12, 1952 here. To be honest the Electoral Rolls seem to have a Thomas Cuddeford Wood senior and junior, so I can't really confirm which one was the Trustee. 

S. Christie - Samuel Kerr Christie, a farmer of Dalmore. Listed in the Electoral Rolls in the area from 1914 (had previously been at Stratford) to 1928. He married Evelyn Rebecca Hazlett in 1912. Samuel died in 1933, aged 50

Dandenong Journal, February 16, 1933

W. Hardy and J. Hardy senr., I presume these are William John Hardy, senior and junior, listed in the Electoral rolls at Dalmore as farmers. The Hardy family were pioneers of the district. Embling and Emily (nee Gregory) Harding settled in 1853 at Dandenong and then moved to Clyde in 1856 - Hardy Road is named for the family. They had five children, some of whose children moved to Dalmore. There are many Hardys and I am not sure how these two fit it. A John William Hardy died in 1940, aged 85 - the son of Embling and Emily Harding.  There was also a William John Hardy who died in 1937, aged 51; he was the son of John and Sophia (nee Cadd) Hardy and thus a grandson of Embling and Emily Harding. More information on the Hardy family on the Clyde History website - 

(4)  R.M. King - the Architect, of the Royal Bank Chambers, Melbourne.  Ray Maurice King had a 62 year career and died in 1956, aged 85.

(5)  A.S. Boote - the builder (incorrectly listed in the article as A. F. Boote). Alfred Stanley Boote, builder and contractor of Dandenong. He died in 1961 aged 68.

South Bourke & Mornington Journal, July 8, 1956

(6) G.R. Burhop - George Randall Burhop, Cranbourne Shire Councillor from 1924 until 1941.
(7) McCulloch, David Stewart, Cranbourne Shire Councillor from 1923 until 1928; 1929-1930.
(8) Cr Bennett - Matthew Bennett 
(9) Cr Taylor - Joseph Taylor - Cranbourne Shire Councillor from 1924 until 1949.
 Information about the Councillors is from - The Good Country: Cranbourne Shire by Niel Gunson (Cheshire, 1968)
(10) Mrs S. Christie nee Evelyn Rebecca Hazlett, the wife of Hall Trustee Samuel Christie in footnote 3. Evelyn died in 1960, aged 82.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Cardinia Hall - the very early days

The Cardinia Hall was opened 100 years ago on December 17, 1924. You can read a report here. There was a function held at the hall on November 23, 2024 to celebrate the Centenary, which in spite of the very hot weather, was attended by over 120 people. Some of the locals spoke of their memories of events held at the Hall and the role it played in the local community. I also gave a short talk on the early history of the Hall which is the basis of this post. The original Trustees were Michael Conroy, Alexander Duff, George Benjamin Beazley, Ernest Gordon Mills and Joseph Gordon Lobb, and I have written about them, here.

The Cardinia Hall, taken November 23, 2024 at the Centenary Celebrations.
Image: Heather Arnold

I looked at the three Cardinia Hall files at the Public Records Office of Victoria (PROV) and I paid to have two of the files digitised, and you can look at them online - 
VPRS 242/P0000, C72699 Cardinia Hall Site Correspondence, view it here;  
VPRS 5714/P0000/14893, 496 Cardinia Hall Site Trustees, view it here
and VPRS 7882/P0001, 1142 Cardinia Public Hall Building files. 
My other source was Look to the Rising sun: Back to Cardinia 1984 - a history of Cardinia and District, including Rythdale and Pakenham South, by  Eileen Williams and Jewell Beard. (Published by the Back to Cardinia Committee, 1984)

As noted in Look to the Rising Sun the first hall in Cardinia was built about 1880 in Bould Road, the same road where the original Cardinia Primary school operated from 1874 until 1906. The current school opened 1911. The Bould Road Hall  building was used until 1914, when it was sold and this left the town without a hall, and thus in 1921 a public meeting was held with the view to establish a new hall. (1)

What I found from the files at the PROV was that on July 29,1921  Henry Whitmore (2) of Connewarre, Cardinia, Secretary of the Cardinia Hall wrote a letter  to the Public Works Department  - 
Sir, At a representative meeting of the residents of this district, a site on which to erect a hall, offered by C. E. Osborne, Esq. (3) was accepted. Five Trustee for the proposed hall were also appointed at the meeting their names being Mr Conroy, Mr Lobb, Mr A. Duff, Mr E.G. Mills, Mr G. Beazley....... (4)

The first page of Mr Whitmore's letter from July 29, 1921.
 Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 242/P0000, C72699 Cardinia Hall Site Correspondence

The map that was sent to the Public Works Department  showing the proposed site of the Hall on Mr Osborne's land. 
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 242/P0000, C72699 Cardinia Hall Site Correspondence

However on July 6, 1921, a few weeks before Mr Whitmore's  letter, Cardinia farmer, Joseph Lobb had written a letter to the Closer Settlement Board (CSB) asking if they would raise any objection to -
me having a general store opened on a site facing Ballarto Road near the School Ground on Block 71C Homestead Moxon's Land.....or of a site being given for the purpose of erecting a Public Hall or Tennis Court. The position is one of the most suitable for the purpose that can be found in the district..... (5)

The CSB was happy for both a store and or a hall and on August 22, 1921 Joseph wrote again that -
I propose to give a site of 1/3rd or ½ an acre as may be required, adjourning the School Ground on the west and having a frontage of  66ft to Ballarto Road. He also wrote that there would be  a public meeting held on August 26 to discuss the adoption of the proposed site. (6) 

Consequently on August 31, 1921 Mr Whitmore wrote another letter to the Department of Lands and Survey telling them that it had been decided at a public meeting to build the hall on Mr Lobb’s land rather than Mr Osborne’s. Mr Whitmore had also written earlier saying that they wished to apply for moneys from the sale of the old hall. (7)

Joseph Lobb's correspondence with the Close Settlement Board.
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 5714/P0000/14893, 496 Cardinia Hall Site Trustees

The map sent to the Department of Lands and Survey showing the 'new' Hall site 
next to the Cardinia School.
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 7882/P0001, 1142 Cardinia Public Hall Building files.

The surveyed site of the Cardinia Hall drawn up by J.R. MacDonald April 26, 1924.
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 5714/P0000/14893, 496 Cardinia Hall Site Trustees

A year later on August 22, 1922, the hall site of 2 roods was excised from Mr Lobb’s 67 acres and sold to the Trustees for £9/16/6. (8)

Sale of the Hall site to the Trustees in August 1922
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 5714/P0000/14893, 496 Cardinia Hall Site Trustees

After the land was acquired the  real work started with fund raising for the new hall and as reported in Look to the Rising Sun, tenders were called in March 1924 for the erection of the hall and Mr Sykes’ tender of £496 was accepted, plus £17 for painting. (9)  The specifications of the Hall were sent to Public Health Department in June 1924 (10) and the Hall was then opened on December 17, 1924, as mentioned before.

The original plan of the Cardinia Hall, in the specifications sent to the Public Health Department, dated June 25, 1924.
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 7882/P0001, 1142 Cardinia Public Hall Building files.

The Supper Room was added to the Cardinia Hall in 1927.

Application to erect a supper room at the Cardinia Hall on January 15, 1927.
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 7882/P0001, 1142 Cardinia Public Hall Building files.

The Supper Room plan
Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 7882/P0001, 1142 Cardinia Public Hall Building files.

1927 is where we will leave the Cardinia Hall and 100 years since it first opened in 1924 still plays a role in the  life of the Cardinia community.  To read an account of the opening ceremony from December 17, 1924, click here; to read about the five original Trustees, Michael Conroy, Alexander Duff, George Benjamin Beazley, Ernest Gordon Mills and Joseph Gordon Lobb, click here.

(1) Information in this paragraph from Look to the Rising sun: Back to Cardinia 1984 - a history of Cardinia and District, including Rythdale and Pakenham South, by  Eileen Williams and Jewell Beard. (Published by the Back to Cardinia Committee, 1984) and Vision and Realisation: a centenary history of State Education in Victoria, v. 3, edited by L.J. Blake.  Published by the Education Department of Victoria, 1973.
(2) Henry Francis Whitmore, Connewarre, Cardinia. His entry in the Electoral Rolls said he lived at Dalmore, with his wife Doris Margaret. Doris was the daughter of  Walter Duff (1855 - 1925) and his wife Eva Sharp. Walter was the son of the Reverend Alexander Duff - I have written about the Reverend Alexander Duff at the bottom of this post and thus Doris was the niece of original Trustee, Alexander Duff.  In 1927, the Electoral Rolls show they were living at Natya, which is east of Ouyen and southwest of Mildura. Henry died in 1959 aged 58 and Doris in 1973, aged 85.
(3) C. E. Osborne - the Shire of Cranbourne Rate Books list Harry and Ernest Osborne owning 423 acres, Allotments 21 to 32, Parish of Koo Wee Rup at Cardinia in 1921. Ernest Charles Osborne, the son of  James and Esther (nee Houston) Osborne died March 25, 1926 and his death notice, see below, notes that he was from Kergunyah, Cardinia, aged 52 and that his death was the result of wounds received during the War. A notice about his estate notes his occupation as a Solicitor. 

Ernest's death notice.
The Argus, March 27, 1926 

 Ernest Osborne's bequest
The Argus, October 21, 1926

The other owner of the property, would be his brother Harry Houston Osborne, listed in Ernest's will. So the only other mystery is Ernest's War service. Harry served in the Fifth Victorian Mounted Rifles in the Boer War (see here) but I can't see Ernest listed, nor is he listed at the National Archives or the Australian War Memorial. I suspect he may have enlisted in England - there is a Corporal Ernest Charles Osborne listed on in the UK, World War I Service Medal and Award Rolls, 1914-1920 database, but there is no other information about him. However, in 1917 twenty-five trees were planted at the Cardinia State School, in honor of the boys of this district who have responded nobly to the country's call and one was for Ernest and he is also on the Honor Board. You can read about this here
(4) Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 242/P0000, C72699 Cardinia Hall Site Correspondence
(5) Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 5714/P0000/14893, 496 Cardinia Hall Site Trustees
(6) Ibid
(7) Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 242/P0000, C72699 Cardinia Hall Site Correspondence
(8) Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 5714/P0000/14893, 496 Cardinia Hall Site Trustees
(9) Look to the Rising Sun - see footnote 1.
(10) Public Records Office of Victoria VPRS 7882/P0001, 1142 Cardinia Public Hall Building files.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The opening of the Cardinia Public Hall in 1924

The Cardinia Public Hall was officially opened on Wednesday, December 17, 1924. The report from the Koo Wee Rup Sun of Wednesday December 24, 1924 page 4, is transcribed, below. For more information on the Hall I have written about the community activity which led to the building of the Hall, here and I have written about the original five Trustees, Michael Conroy, Alexander Duff, George Benjamin Beazley, Ernest Gordon Mills and Joseph Gordon Lobb, here

The Cardinia Public Hall and the Dandenong Valley Regional Libraries mobile library bus in 1978. At the time the bus stopped at Cardinia every second Thursday 10.15am. to 11.00am.
Koo Wee Rup Sun, May 17, 1978 page 4

Cardinia. Opening of Public Hall.
From the Koo Wee Rup Sun of Wednesday December 24, 1924 page 4.

On Wednesday evening, the 17th inst., an event of more than passing importance took place in Cardinia. It was the official opening of the new Public Hall, which occupies a nice dry position next to the State School. The hall is a spacious building, with a side platform and ladies and gents’ dressing rooms. It was tastefully decorated, for which the ladies deserve great credit. The hall was to have been opened by the Minister of Lands (Hon. A. Downward) and the Government Whip (Mr Groves), but owing to the political situation they were unable to be present. Mr Conroy, chairman of the committee, stated that their members of the State House were unable to be present, but the worthy President of the Cranbourne Shire (Cr Croskell), who had previously been asked to take the chair for the occasion, had been further asked if he would officially open their Public Hall, and he kindly consented to do so. He had much pleasure in introducing to them the President of the Shire (Cr. Croskell)

Cr Croskell stated that he was very pleased to be there that night, which was an auspicious occasion for the district. It must be very gratifying to the committee to have such a fine gathering present, and he hoped on every future occasion the gatherings would be as large. He stated that he had been asked to read apologies from the Prime Minister (Mr Bruce) and Messrs Downward and Groves, who were unable to be present through pressure of further business. He would like to congratulate the people of Cardinia upon the success which had attended their efforts to obtain a Public Hall for Cardinia. He also congratulated them on their foresight in having their public buildings so close together, as in many townships one public building is placed on one corner and another about a mile away. With the public buildings close together it was much easier to get facilities, such as footpaths and drainage. 

The Cardinia Public Hall in 2005.
Image courtesy of Casey Cardinia Remembers,, a project of 
the Narre Warren and District Family History Group,

He also congratulated the various committees and especially the chairman (Mr M. Conroy) and the secretary (Mr George Beazley), upon the success which had attended their efforts. The hall is a long felt necessity, and the residents must be gratified upon the consummation of their hopes, and he hoped they would all be long spared to enjoy the social intercourse which would be possible through having such a fine building in which to meet, and it gave him much pleasure in declaring the hall open.

Mr Conroy, in moving a vote of thanks to Cr Croskell, stated that the hall had cost over £600 and over half had been already met. He was sure that both Mr George Beazley and himself did not expect any special credit for anything they had done, as everybody on the committee had worked like Trojans and worked harmoniously to make the building of the hall a success. He asked them all to carry their thanks by acclamation.

A first-class programme was given by Dandenong, Melbourne and local district artists, namely Mesdames Monahan and Debout, Miss Stafford and Messrs Niel McInness, O’Neill, Verey and Hames. At the conclusion of the concert Cr Croskell moved a vote of thanks to the performers for the first-class entertainment they had given that night. He had been asked to specially thank the friends who had come all the way from Dandenong and Devon Meadows at their own expense. He would also like a special vote of thanks to Mrs Monahan, who so capably and efficiently played all the accomplishments for the evening. He asked them to carry the vote of thanks by acclamation.

After the conclusion of the concert the hall was cleared and a large programme of dances was gone through. The dancing was in charge of Mr T. Richards, who rendered his well-known efficient service as M.C.

The Cardinia Public Hall Honour Board in 2005. 
The board was donated by Life Member, Ian Ridgway, December 1, 1984.
Image courtesy of Casey Cardinia Remembers,, a project of 
the Narre Warren and District Family History Group,

For more information on the Hall I have written about the community activity which led to the building of the Hall, here and I have written about the original five Trustees, Michael Conroy, Alexander Duff, George Benjamin Beazley, Ernest Gordon Mills and Joseph Gordon Lobb, here.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Tynong Mechanics' Institute

The earliest public building in Tynong was the Mechanics’ Institute and this post looks at the history of this Hall and the other one (or was it two or even three?) Halls that may have at one time been at Tynong. You can read a general history of Tynong, here

In the nineteenth century the term ‘mechanic’ meant artisan or working man. The Mechanics’ Institute movement began in 1800 when Dr George Birkbeck of the Andersonian Institute in Scotland gave a series of lectures to local mechanics. The lectures were free and popular. They led to the formation of the Edinburgh School of Arts (1821) and the London Mechanics’ Institute (1823). The movement spread quickly throughout the British Empire. The first Victorian Mechanics’ Institute was the Melbourne Mechanics’ Institute established in 1839 and renamed The Melbourne Athenaeum in 1873, which continues to operate in its original building on Collins Street. Over a thousand were built in Victoria, and over 550  remain today (1).  The buildings were essentially a public hall with usually a Library. 

The first reference I can find to the Tynong Mechanics’ Institute was in The Argus in February 1886 (2), when the building was used to hold a political meeting, so that would indicate a likely build date of late 1885, early 1886. The first school in Tynong which operated from August 1887 until 1892 was in the Mechanics' Institute (3). 

First reference I can find to the Tynong Mechanics' Institute
The Argus, February 23, 1886

In the early days Mechanics' Institutes had to send in a return to the Government and these returns were published in the annual  Statistical Register for the Colony of Victoria compiled from official records in the office of the Government Statist (4).  Tynong appears in the 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1892 editions of the Statistical Registers. 

The 1887 issue tells us that the building cost £145 to erect of which £21 came from the Government and £29 from other sources, £50 in total, which meant that £95 pounds was still owing. They had a collection of 236 books and they were open every evening. The next year, 1888, the book stock was 200, the opening hours were 1.00pm to 3.00pm and 7.00pm to 9.00pm and they had 550 visits throughout the year and received a Government grant of £20.  1889 - book stock -196; hours 9.00am -11.00am and 6.00pm to 8.00pm, annual visits were 350 and received a Government grant of £6 18 shillings.  1890 - same opening hours as 1889, book stock 207 and annual visits were 600. 1891 - book stock was 300; hours were 7.00pm to 10.00pm Thursday and Saturday and annual visits were 260. 1892 - book stock was 200, opening hours 7.00pm to 10.00pm on Wednesday and visits had declined to 100 (5). 

Fancy dress ball at Tynong
South Bourke and Mornington Journal September 6, 1903

The next Tynong school (No. 2854) opened on May 1, 1905 in the Tynong Hall and it was used for this purpose until 1908, when the old Cardinia school was shifted to a newly acquired site on the west side of Tynong Road (where St Thomas Aquinas School is now located) (6). 

In December 1917, the Dandenong Advertiser reported on
The occasion of the opening of the local public hall (the need of which has long been felt), on Friday evening last, was honored by the holding of a concert, a coronation ceremony and a ball......The purpose of the queen carnival was to provide funds, not only to put the building in such a condition, that the requirements of the Board of Public Health would be met, but also that some degree of comfort might be secured, and to this end a large committee room, and a ladies' room were' added to the structure. About £100 were spent on these improvements (7). This was not the current hall which opened in 1927, more of which later.

I feel  these additions of the Ladies' Rooms and the Committee Room were to the original Mechanics' Institute.  However, the book From Bullock Tracks to Bitumen notes that the first public hall was originally the school, put on land bought by the Progress Association in 1913 from Mrs Gault. It was opened in 1917 (8)So, was the 1917 building a new hall and not an extension to the old Mechanics' Institute? 

A report in the Pakenham Gazette of November 10, 1961 says the history of the 
Tynong Hall goes back to 1909, in which year the Progress Association purchased the present site from Mr Gault. A year or so later they purchased from the Education department an old Schoolroom and that served as Tynong’s Hall for many years. (9).

There is yet another account of a Tynong Hall from the Pakenham Gazette of June 15, 1962 which are the reminiscences of an early resident, Mrs Ryan. Mrs Ryan says -
Where Wilson’s home is at present in 1918 a partly built house, three rooms and frame work for more. The Centre rooms were at one time a Tynong Hall. It was in the paddock opposite the lane that runs between Jack Hamill's amd Keith Nilsson's. Mr Jas Smith later sold to Mrs Gault and Miss O'Connor. In the early 1920s Mr Jas Marsden bought it and had a nice 6-roomed home made of it. (Mrs Marsden for years had a catering business.) Mr Cecil Brand bought the property and turned it into a nice home and complete with fowl pens etc. There have been a few more tenants since then, and at present Wilsons occupy it (10).

The Hall after the wind storm of Wednesday, August 5, 1959.
Pakenham Gazette August 14, 1959, p. 1

The current Hall was officially opened on January 14, 1927 by Councillor J. Dowd, the Shire President. The Hall cost £900.00 (11). Disaster befell this Hall thirty years later as the Pakenham Gazette of November 10, 1961 reported -
August 5, 1959 , was a black day in the history of Tynong. On it a gale, sweeping through a narrow belt of country, blew over their Public Hall. So great was the damage that opinion was almost equally divided as to whether the building could or could not be restored to its original condition. If August '59 was a black day, November 6th, '61, was a 'red letter night', for it marked the re-opening of a much better Hall than Tynong ever possessed before, with the addition of a new supper room and other rooms. Needless to say, the building was packed to the doors for the happy occasion. About 250 attended. The supper room had a well-equipped kitchen and there was also a Ladies' room. (12).

The Tynong Hall at its re-opening in November 1961.
Pakenham Gazette November 10, 1961, p. 1

Tynong Hall
Image: Heather Arnold, 2023

Tynong Hall also has a Projection Room, clearly seen in the picture, above, which is currently inaccessible. I have no confirmed information about this Projection Room. Was it built in 1927 when the Hall was built – the 1920s was time when many Picture Theatres were being erected, so that would be logical.  However These Walls Speak Volumes: a history of Mechanics' Institutes in Victoria notes that in the 1950’s the Hall Committee purchased a film projector and used the Hall as a Picture Theatre and that there is a memorial tablet in the bio-box (13). But then I found this advertisement from April 1952  about the Tynong Theatre plant being sold as a going concern. Were they selling recently acquired equipment? If the Theatre wasn't in the Hall, where was it? I have no answers.

Picture Theatre Tynong Plant sale.

The Mural of the Tynong Quarry, which supplied the granite for the Shrine of Remembrance. 
The Artist was Andrew Rowe and the mural was unveiled in 2004.
Image: Heather Arnold, 2023

The current hall was built in front of the Mechanics' Institute Hall, and in the 1950s and early 1960s original hall was being used as Infant Welfare Centre and a Supper room (14). I presume that the article, below, is referring to the 1885 building, however it really only adds to the confusion as to whether there was actually a hall built in 1917.  My local sources tell me that the building was sold and moved to the Bayliss farm on the Highway (15). From there it was  relocated to Old Gippstown at Moe in 1973 (or 1978), where it remains today; and Old Gippstown claim it to be the original Mechanics' Institute (16).

Move to sell Tynong's first public hall (or was it?)
Pakenham Gazette, February 9, 1962, p. 10

So, were there in fact three or even four Tynong Halls? The 1885 Mechanics’ Institute, the 1927 current Hall and a Hall that was opened in c. 1910 or 1917 or was there yet another Hall that became part of Mr Wilson’s house? Tynong is said to be Aboriginal for ‘plenty of fish’ but I believe it must really mean ‘plenty of halls’. 

Trove list - I have created a short list of articles about the halls at Tynong, access it here

(2) The Argus, February 23, 1886, see here
(3) Vision and Realisation: a centenary history of State Education in Victoria, edited by L.J. Blake. (Education Department of Victoria, 1973)
(4) Statistical Register for the Colony of Victoria, access them here.
(5) Ibid
(6) Vision and Realisation, op. cit.
(7) The Dandenong Advertiser, December 20, 1917, see here.
(8) From Bullock Tracks to Bitumen: a brief history of the Shire of Berwick (Historical Society of Berwick Shire, 1962), p. 44.
(9) Pakenham Gazette, November 10, 1961, p. 1.
(10) Pakenham Gazette, June 15, 1962. p. 5.
(11) The Argus, January 17, 1927, see here. 
(12) Pakenham Gazette, November 10, 1961, p. 1.
(13) Baragwanath, Pam and James, Ken These Walls Speak Volumes: a history of Mechanics' Institutes in Victoria (published by the authors in 2015), p. 584.
(14) Pakenham Gazette, February 9, 1962, p. 10; Information supplied by Mrs Gladys Quigley and Mrs Bev Henwood February 28, 2023.
(15)  Information supplied by Mrs Gladys Quigley and Mrs Bev Henwood February 28, 2023.
(16) Baragwanath and James (see above) note it was removed in 1973 and the Old Gippstown website (see here)  says 1978.

A version of this post, which I wrote and researched,  has appeared on my work blog, Casey Cardinia Links to Our Past, as well as the Garfield Spectator. This is an updated and expanded version.

Monday, May 2, 2022

Mechanics' Institute - Soldiers' Memorial Hall - Nar Nar Goon

The Nar Nar Goon Mechanics' Institute was officially opened on September 17, 1886. The building was located in Racecourse Road, just to the west of the current Post Office. The South Bourke & Mornington Journal reported on  the opening. 

The opening of the above hall took place on Friday evening, 17th inst., by a concert and ball. The hall was festooned with flags and the walls decorated with mountain and coral ferns, intermixed with wild heath, while two mountain ferns stood on each side of the stage. Practically speaking the building presented on Aden like appearance. The Hon. Dr. Dobson, M.L.C,, presided, and in his address said it gave him great pleasure in being able to come before the people of Nar-Nar-Goon, it being portion of his constituency, and he was very pleased to see such a noble edifice raised by the people of the district. The concert, which was a well-arranged one, in which Mr H. Allnut and the Misses Brooks took part, was then proceeded with, and passed off very satisfactorily. At the conclusion the hall was  put in order for dancing, which was kept up till a late hour, Mr. McRae acting as M.C.--Mr. McKay gave great satisfaction in conducting the concert. The entertainment as a whole was quite a success, and passed off pleasantly (1).

Advertisement for the opening of the Nar Nar Goon Mechanics' Institute. 
 From the Dandenong Advertiser, reproduced in Richard Myers' Berwick Mechanic Institute and Free library (2).

In the nineteenth century the term ‘mechanic’ meant artisan or working man. The Mechanics’ Institute movement began in 1800 when Dr George Birkbeck of the Andersonian Institute in Scotland gave a series of lectures to local mechanics. The lectures were free and popular. They led to the formation of the Edinburgh School of Arts (1821) and the London Mechanics’ Institute (1823). The movement spread quickly throughout the British Empire. The first Victorian Mechanics’ Institute was the Melbourne Mechanics’ Institute established in 1839 and renamed The Melbourne Athenaeum in 1873, which continues to operate in its original building on Collins Street. Over a thousand were built in Victoria and over 550  remain today (3).  The buildings were  essentially a public hall with usually a Library 

An early photograph of the Nar Nar Goon Mechanics' Institute
Image courtesy of Jean Chatfield from the  booklet produced for the opening of the 
Nar Nar Goon Community Centre in March 1980.

In the early days it appears that Mechanics' Institutes had to send in a return to the Government and these returns were published in the annual  Statistical Register for the Colony of Victoria compiled from official records in the office of the Government Statist.  Nar Nar Goon appears in the 1887, 1889, 1890, 1892 and 1893 editions of the Statistical Registers. The 1887 issue tells us that the building cost £350 to erect and of which £109 came from the Government and £100 from other sources, £209 in total, which meant that £141 pounds was still owing. They had a collection of 200 books and in  the first year 700 visits. In 1890 the book stock was listed at 130 and there had been 200 visits. In 1893 the opening hours had declined from daily to 'when books are required'. The book stock had further declined to only 130 volumes and there were only 50 visits (4).

The book In the Wake of the Pack Tracks (5) notes that in 1885 a group of residents formed a trusteeship, borrowed money, and built the front portion of the hall. Because of the land boom collapse and bank failures of the early 1890's Michael O'Brien had to pay off the debt, and the hall became his property. He used it to store grain and chaff which had to be stacked aside when the hall was needed for functions and religious services (6).

In the time that Michael O'Brien owned the building it was called interchangeably the Mechanics' Institute, Mechanics' Hall, the Public Hall and O'Brien's Hall (7) and it was made available for the usual activities held in halls, such as voting in elections and for public meetings. In 1902, for instance, meetings were held throughout the State on the question of parliamentary reform including one at Nar Nar Goon held on April 5 - it was reported on in The Argus (8)

Meeting held at the Nar Nar Goon Mechanics' Institute

Dances and concerts were held there, especially during the First World War to raise funds for patriotic causes and in 1914  it was reported that A syndicate has been formed at Narnargoon, and during the winter months skating will be indulged in at the Public Hall. A start will be made next Saturday night, April 4th. The price of admission is 6d, skates 6d, and floorage 6d. extra. Mr. F. N. Chatfield is the manager (9). This was roller skating, a popular past-time in those days.

Roller skating at the Nar Nar Goon

Who was the generous Michael O'Brien who owned the Hall? (10) 
He was the son of Daniel and Brigid (nee Walsh) O’Brien who built the Limerick Arms Hotel on the corner of Wilson Road and the Gippsland Road (now called the Princes Highway) at Nar Nar Goon in the 1860s.  Daniel, Brigid and their one year old daughter, Ellen, had arrived in Melbourne in September  1841 on the ship, the Forth. Also on the same ship were the Dore family  - John (c. 1808 - 1895) his wife Betty (nee Elizabeth O'Connor, c. 1808 - 1876) and their children Edward, Thomas, Patrick and Ellen, six more children were born in Victoria.  In 1844, John Dore and Michael Hennessey took up the Mount Ararat Run at Nar Nar Goon of 1,900 acres. The partnership existed until 1855. Michael Hennessey then moved to Dandenong and built the Bridge Hotel and later took over the Eumemmerring Hotel. In the 1860s, John Dore purchased the 640 acre Mt Ararat pre-emptive right. He later purchased another 387 acres and his son Thomas 300 acres so they held a total of 1,300 acres. The property was later bisected by the railway line when it was built in 1877.

Back to the O'Briens  - Daniel was a builder and the plan was to work in Victoria for four years save enough money and then return home, as it was they never did return to Ireland. The family first went to Waurn Ponds near Geelong where Daniel worked as a builder. They then  decided to buy some land  - Waurn Ponds being too dry looking they decided to buy in Gippsland and brought a farm called The Swamp at Mt Ararat or Nar Nar Goon. They were perhaps influenced in this decision by the Dores.

The O'Brien's  had more eight children in Victoria - Michael James born 1843 at Saltwater; Patrick Francis 1845, Jeremiah Gerald 1846,  Johanna Mary 1848, Catherine, 1853 - these four were born when they were at Nar Nar Goon. Bidelia Amelia 1853, Mary Ann 1856 and Daniel 1859 were born in North Melbourne.

Because the children needed an education the O'Briens moved back to town and built a house in North Melbourne so the children could go to school.  Daniel was again working as a builder but  his business partner stole the proceeds of the business and this forced the family to move back to Nar Nar Goon where they opened the Limerick Arms. This was  a success  as the Gippsland Road went as far as Sale and there was lots of traffic; it was also a Cobb and Co Coach stop.   The hotel also had  a reputation for being spotlessly clean and offering good meals. Every six months  a Priest would visit, and conduct a mass and also baptise any babies that needed  that sacrament.  The services were either held at the Limerick Arms or the Dore's House. 

The Limerick Arms Hotel, operated by Michael O'Brien's parents.
Image from Solid Bluestone Foundations by Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Penguin 1986)

A succession of tutors were employed by the O'Briens until they settled on Daniel Ahern. The O'Briens and the Dores also built a school on Mt Ararat Creek for their own children and the the neighbouring children and Daniel Ahern was the teacher. Mr Ahern later taught at Eumemmerring State School, later called Hallam State School from 1870 to 1890. Daniel was the father of James Joseph Ahern, Shire of Berwick Secretary from 1906 until 1948. Daniel died in 1886 at the age of 82 and Brigid in 1888 at the age of  77. The Limerick Arms was delicensed in 1908 and the building has been demolished. 

Michael, the second child and eldest son of Daniel and Brigid, married Johanna Mulcahy in 1883, the same year he opened the Nar Nar Goon Hotel.  He also built the first general store in the town, next to his Hotel. This was the Michael O'Brien who paid out the mortgage on the Hall and still allowed it to be used for public functions. Michael and Johanna had four children - Katherine Mary (1885-1942); Eileen (1887 - 1892); Julia Mary (1889 - 1943), married Keith Joseph Cahir in 1924) and Daniel Francis (1891-1947). Michael O'Brien died on November 6, 1915 at the age of 74, his wife Johanna,  having died on March 4, 1914 (11). You can read his informative obituary in the Dandenong Advertiser, here. His obituary said that he was a strenuous worker and had amassed considerable wealth. A sale of his estate was held on October 31, 1918 and as you can see from the advertisement below, he had extensive land holdings including Hotel, the Hall, the Store, the Blacksmiths, the Post Office, the cattle yards, the racecourse and other farm land.

Sale of Michael O'Brien's Estate
Pakenham Gazette October 25 1918

The Shire of Berwick Rate books note that the Hall and the Store were purchased at this sale by John Spencer and his business partner, Ernest Oram, who already operated the Store. In 1920 (12) the Hall was re-purchased by the Community and renovated and it became the Nar Nar Goon Soldiers' Memorial Hall. It was opened on April 22, 1921 and the Honor Board was unveiled at the same function.

The Pakenham Gazette of April 29 1921 had an extensive report on this event, which is transcribed in its entirety here - 

Nar Nar Goon Memorial Hall - Opening ceremony

Friday last was a red letter day in the history of Nar Nar Goon, the occasion being the opening of the Soldiers’ Memorial Hall and the unveiling of an Honor Board.

The young men of the district were quick to respond to the call of duty during the war period  51 enlisted and 11 paid the supreme sacrifice – and it was only fitting that the people of the district should show their appreciation of the gallant services rendered by the lads on their behalf and on behalf of the Empire as a whole.

During the past five years the residents have marked their appreciation in various ways – by farewells to the men who enlisted, by joyous welcomes to those who returned after taking part in the battle for freedom and liberty, by Red Cross efforts, and by assistance to the hospitals and rest homes that have been established to help those men who were disabled in the fight. Generous support has been given by the residents of the district to every effort put  forward, and there has always been a band of energetic workers ready to help forward every movement initiated.

The war being over the question of establishing  a suitable memorial in honor of the soldiers  was discussed, and it was eventually decided to purchased the public hall and renovate it. This had been done and Nar Nar Goon has a hall that any district might justly feel proud of. It is attractive and well appointed, and on Friday the Australian flag was flying from its flagstaff.

As anticipated, the opening ceremony attracted a large attendance and  great interest  was taken in the proceedings.

Brigadier-General Grimwade wrote stating that he was sorry that he unable to be present, owing to a prior engagement. He wished the residents of the district every success. Mr W.F. Startup, J.P., president of the league, occupied the chair. The school children marched into the hall to the strains of “Men of Harlech” and proceedings were then opened with the singing of the National Anthem.

The chairman said that it was with a feeling of relief to the committee that the time had arrived for the opening of the hall. The hall was finished in February, and ready for the opening ceremony, but the delay had been caused in connection with the Honor Board, which had just come to hand. He said the movement to assist the solders was started about three years ago, toward the close of 1917. A league was then formed in Nar Nar Goon to arrange for farewelling and welcoming soldiers and to assist in settling returned soldiers in the district. In 1918 a public meeting decided to hand this work over to what was known as the Nar Nar Goon Soldiers’ League, which was comprised of private citizens who undertook to help the soldiers. Later on it was recognised that this name gave a wrong impression, as it was not a soldiers’ league and it was then decided to adopt the present name Nar Nar Goon Soldiers’ Memorial League.

When the question of erecting a soldiers’ memorial was first discussed there was a difference of opinion as to the form it should take. About this time the hall became available, and it was decided to buy it, renovate it and make it worthy of the soldiers’ cause. It had been purchased and renovated and was now an ornament to the town. It could be used by the soldiers and their dependents and also by members of the general public, and the committee believed that all will agree that it was a fitting memorial for the soldiers and one that would compare favourably with memorials erected in other parts of the State.

As regards the financial position, he pointed out that before the hall was purchased an allotment of land adjoining was presented to the committee by Miss and Mr O’Brien, as a site for a memorial, and when it was agreed to buy the hall they generously allowed their gift to stand. The hall and half an acre of land had cost £200, and the total outlay for purchase and renovation was approximately about £640. Against that sum about £380 had been raised, leaving an overdraft of about £200. The property was not mortgaged, the amount of the overdraft being guaranteed by 15 or 16 residents. Of the sum raised £112 had been received in donations. A number of persons in the district had not given a donation because they had not been asked. To these he wished to say that either he or their energetic secretary– Mr J.R. Spencer – would be pleased to receive donations toward this fund.

Mr Frank Groves, M.L.A., said it gave him great pleasure to be present at the opening of their memorial hall. They recognised by the remarks of the chairman that the committee had done   large amount of work and had done it well. It was their duty to stand by the committee, as the movement could not be made a success without the co-operation of the whole of the people. All had received a great advantage by the work done by the soldiers. All had benefitted by their glorious achievements, and it was their bounden duty to help. The soldiers had laid the foundation stone of   new nation for us but this could only be built up while the Union Jack was flying over it. Those who thought otherwise were living in a fool’s paradise. It was necessary that we should be a united nation and any undermining influence must be stamped out. He appealed to the people to give the committee every assistance.

The Hon.  A.E. Chandler, M.L.C., said the committee had fixed on an appropriate time for the opening of their hall as the people were about to commemorate some of the bravest deeds in British history, when some of our boys scaled the cliffs at Gallipoli. By that act we had lost many of Australia’s best, and it fell to our duty to see that those they left behind were properly cared for. Many overlooked the fact that provision had been made by the Federal government for the education of the children of soldiers who had fallen. It was up to the people to see that these children got what they were entitled to. The Australians had proved themselves soldiers and men and had conquered where others had failed. The speaker then went on to refer to the need for more population in Australia, and also the need for spending more money in reproductive works.

Cr Chas. Pearson congratulated the people of Nar Nar Goon on having such  a fine hall. He did not know whether they had a library, but if not he advised them to get one as quickly as possible. A library was a great boon in any town, both to young and old. All agreed that the soldiers had done their work nobly, and we were under a debt of gratitude to them, as well as to the sailors, the nurses and the great army of workers who had take their part in the great war.

The chairman then called on Lieut. Mays to perform the ceremony of unveiling the Honor Board.

Lieutenant Mays said this duty was one that most soldiers liked to shirk, if possible. It was a sad duty but it had to be performed. On the Honor were the names of 51 gallant boys who had left Nar Nar Goon, and of these 11 had failed to return. They were all fine fellows, and the people were proud to know and live with them, and if needs be to die with them.  They had died for the liberty and Christianity of the British Empire. 60,000 of Australia’s noble dead had given their lives in Egypt, Mesopotamia or France, and there were memorials all over the country to perpetuate their memory and brave deeds.

On the 25th of April, 1915 – a Sunday morning – the cliffs of Gallipoli were scaled, and not all who went out returned. He extended his deepest sympathy and the sympathy of the people to the relatives of the fallen – the men who gave of their best – their all. The people of Nar Nar Goon desired to keep their memory green, and that was why the hall had been bought, renovated and handed over by patriotic citizens.  The soldiers at Gallipoli had shown the true fighting spirit and were never down-hearted. They fought shoulder to shoulder for the British Empire. There was no sectarianism and there were no political parties; and this was at it should be in Australia. They  fought for the great cause of freedom. When the Union Jack falls, said the speaker, it will be an end to all the great ideals of the Commonwealth. Referring to the Honor Board, he said memorial halls and tablets will decay, the written history of the war may be destroyed, but the memory of the deeds of our soldiers will live forever.

As the Honor Board was unveiled the audience stood for a minute in silence, with bowed heads. The names on the Board are as follows: -

Alto, A. (M.M.) / Blackwell, G.D. / Blackwell, R. B. / Cahir, K.J. /Chatfield, F.N. / Castle, W. / Carter, G. / Drummond, W.N. / Edwards, E.S. / Ferguson, A. / Gaskett, A. / Gaskett, W. / Huby, C. /  Holcombe, A.J. / Jones, A.A.C. / Kidd, J. / Liston, C. /  Lia, M. (M.M.) / Ledger, J. / Moore, W.F. / Madden, F (M.M.) / Matthews, G. / Mortimer, T.E.G. /  McCarthy, D. / O’Brien, J.J. / O’Brien, D.F. / Olsen, R.H. / Prior, J.S.G. / Perry, S. / Pettman, T.W. / Rogers, T.A. / Richardson, W.S. / Richardson, H.C. / Reid, K. / Rowe, W. / Startup, R.W. / Warren, R.J. / Wilson, R. (D.C.M.) /White, S. / Wade, A.

Child, A. / Dore, D.J. / Harris, L. / Lamb, C.H. / Madden, T. / Nash, H. / Ord, A.L. / Olsen, C.C. / Pepper, H.H. / Smith, J.F. / Taylor, W.D.

 Mr Fink returned thanks on behalf of the soldiers for the many kind things said by the speakers and for the interest generally   taken on behalf of the returned men. He said that some people often criticised the actions of the soldiers, but if they only thought for a moment of the conditions the men had passed through, both mentally and physically, while in Egypt and France they would be more sympathetic. After referring to some of his experiences in France he again thanked all for their efforts on behalf  of the soldiers.

The chairman,  in moving a vote of thanks to the speakers, said he had forgotten to refer to the new piano .This, he said, has been obtained mainly through the energetic work of Mr W. Kenny and Mr H. Spencer, jun. By collecting and other efforts they had been able to present the committee with a piano, with crockery, and also with utensils, the whole costing considerably over £100. For their good work they were created life members of the League. Cr Stephenson had also helped them in connection with the building of the hall, and as he was present he was sure all would be pleased to hear an address from him.

Cr Stephenson said he was pleased to be present, and he thanked them for the honor of taking part in the celebration in connection with their hall. Opinions differed, he said, as to the form memorials for our soldiers should take. Some favoured halls others drinking fountains, memorial parks or stones. But to his mind it did not matter much which form the memorial took – it was the spirit which prompted the movement. No doubt it was pleasing to returned men to see their efforts on behalf of the people were greatly appreciated. Referring to the incapacitated soldiers, especially those who had lost their sight or their limbs, he said nothing the people could do would compensate them, but it was our duty to see that they lived in comfort and had all they required. Speaking of their new hall he said the amount for renovating it might seem large, but they had to take into consideration the high cost of material. He could assure them that prices in every instance were cut down to bedrock and that not one penny was wasted in the work.

Mr R. Raftis, in seconding the vote of thanks, referred to the good work of the secretary in arranging for the opening ceremony, and his inability to get the services of any leading military officer, as all were engaged in connection with the Anzac celebrations. He also said the committee and people of the district were under debt of gratitude to Cr Stephenson for the assistance he had given in connection with the renovation of the hall. Although a busy man he had found time to come and assist them, and helped to get the building completed much sooner than it would otherwise have been. All, he said, were delighted with the hall. He had great pleasure in seconding the vote of thanks.

Mr Groves, in returning thanks for the speakers, made special reference to the manner in which Lieutenant Mays had performed his duty of unveiling the Honor Board. He said the people were more indebted to Mr Mays than they would be to one of the heads of the military department. He was sure all were greatly pleased with the way in which he did his work and they appreciated his action of coming forward at the last moment. At the close of the proceedings afternoon tea was served by the ladies and was greatly appreciated.

In the evening a grand concert was held when there was a crowded hall. A very fine programme was given by the following artists: - Miss I.  Hughson, Miss Emily Mitchell, Miss Ida Mitchell, Mr Sherwood and Mr W.  Mitchell. The various items were greatly appreciated.,

At the close an enjoyable dance was held, which also attracted a very large attendance. Splendid music was rendered by Mr Dug Lancefield, assisted by  Mr T. McGrath . Mr W.  Kenny was an efficient M.C. The floor was in excellent order and dancing was kept up to 3 a.m.

The best thanks are due to the President and committee who had charge of the days arrangements and to the ladies for their valuable assistance. To the hon. sec. (Mr J.R. Spencer,  J.P.) special thanks are due for his energetic and untiring work.

I have written about the soldiers on the Nar Nar Goon Honour Board, here

The Nar Nar Goon Soldiers' Memorial Hall 
Image from the Pakenham Gazette, February 2, 1968 courtesy of Jean Chatfield.

The Trustees for the Soldiers' Memorial Hall were John Dore, W. Carney, R. Raftis, C. Davis, John Smith, M. Cunningham and F. Chatfield (13).  The last named Trustee, Fred Chatfield began organising dances and Euchre card games to raise money for the Hall in 1923. This money helped fund additions to the Hall such as the Supper room, kitchen and toilets. Like many country dances at the time, whenever  a ball or dance was held Euchre was also on offer for the non-dancers. Fred continued to run the Euchre until 1972, when his son John took over. More recently another son Jim, took over the role (14).

Twenty years on in July 1942,  the Pakenham Gazette had the headline - Public Halls fall on evil days. Berwick Council considers plan to assist them. The plan was that if the Halls were transferred to the King then the Council would advance the money to pay off any overdraft and to give a yearly grant. The reason many halls were in such dire straits was because revenue had declined due to the War and many functions which were being held were not being charged for. At the meeting - 
Cr. Dore asked what would be the position of Nar Nar Goon Soldiers’ Memorial hall under such a scheme. Residents had some years ago bought, renovated and added to the old hall and it was now about out of debt. It was run in conjunction with the Recreation Reserve. Revenue from the hall now was almost nil, as most entertainments were run for patriotic purposes and the present committee had decided that for these the hall should be made available free of charge. However, certain expenses still had to be met, and without some method of financing the hall would slip back into debt. Some residents had collected £20 for the hall funds or it would be more in debt. In response, the Shire President, Cr McBride said he would take the matter up with the Minister for Lands (15). It appears that nothing came of this.

In 1950 the War was still effecting  the Nar Nar Goon Hall. They had applied for a new floor but due to shortages of material
the Building Directorate advised that a permit would not be available for the replacement of 1,200 square feet at a cost of £300. It was suggested that work be confined to the expenditure of £150 within the present financial year. Cr. Dore said that he had pointed out to the Directorate that this was the only hall serving the district and that the floor had reached such a stage that it could no longer be used. With no revenue coming in, the committee was at its wits end (16). The Building Directorate was established in October 1945 to control the procurement and allotment of building material and to ensure a balance between the construction of new houses and the construction of infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and factories (17).

The floor was obviously replaced at some time as the Hall was in use for nearly 30 more years. In 1953 it was reported that the Trustees were going to transfer the Hall to the Crown (18).  In 1979 the Hall was transferred again, this time to the Pakenham Shire, in exchange for an alternate parcel of land in Spencer Street near the Recreation Reserve. A new Hall (or community centre as they now called) was erected and this building was officially opened by the Governor of Victoria, Sir Henry Winneke on  March 29, 1980. The old Hall, which had served the Nar Nar Goon community for 94 years was demolished and the land sold (19). 

The old Nar Nar Goon hall features as a mural on the Community Centre.
Image courtesy of Casey Cardinia Remembers

Thank you to Mrs Jean Chatfield, of Nar Nar Goon, for supplying some of this information as well as some very useful documents including copies of an article on the history of the Hall which appeared in the Pakenham Gazette on February 2, 1968 and the booklet produced for the opening of the Community Centre in March 1980.

Trove list - I have created  a list of articles on the Nar Nar Goon Mechanics' Institute / Memorial Hall, you can access it here

(1) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, September 29 1886, see here.
(2) Myers, Richard Berwick Mechanic Institute and Free library (BMI & FL., 1999), p. 81. Thanks to Jean Chatfield for telling me about this advertisement.
(4) Statistical Registers - available here on the Victorian Government Library Service website. I found out about these Registers from the book These walls speak volumes: a history of Mechanics' Institutes in Victoria by Pam Baragwanath and Ken James (published by the authors in 2015)
(5) In the Wake of the Pack Tracks: a history of the Shire of Berwick (Berwick Pakenham Historical Society, 1992)
(6) Ibid. pp 137-128.
(7) See my Trove list, here, for examples.
(8) The Argus, April 9, 1902, see here.
(9) Bunyip Free Press, April 2 1914, see here.
(10) The information about the O'Brien family comes from 
Early Settlers of the Casey Cardinia District by the Narre Warren & District Family History Group, published 2010
From Bullock Tracks to Bitumen: a brief history of the Shire of Berwick (Historical Society of the Berwick Shire, 1962)
Solid Bluestone Foundations and other memories of a Melbourne girlhood, 1908-1928 by Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Penguin 1986). Kathleen Fitzpatrick was the great grand-daughter of Daniel and Brigid O'Brien.
There is a bit more about the O'Brien family in this post about the Nar Nar Goon Honour Boards as well There are three O'Brien's on the Honour Board and also information in Footnote 2. 
(11) Information on Michael O'Brien's family comes from the Indexes to the Victorian Births, Deaths and Marriages; Michael's death notice in The Argus, November 8, 1915, see here; Johanna's death notice in The Age, March 6, 1914, see here.
(12) The Shire of Berwick rate books show that Spencer & Oram owned the Hall in 1919/1920. The Local Government year (and thus the Rate books) used to run from October to September, so we know they owned it until at least September 1920. As it was opened as Mechanics' Institute April 1921, I am assuming the sale took place in the last 3 months of 1920 or the first three months of 1921.
(13) The Trustees list is from the Pakenham Gazette of February 2, 1968
(14) Information supplied by Jean Chatfield. 
(15) Dandenong Journal, July 22 1942, see here.
(16) Dandenong Journal, January 11, 1950, see here.
(17) Building Directorate  - The Age, October 30, 1945, see here; The Argus, October 31 1945, see here and The Age, February 2, 1946, see here.
(18) Dandenong Journal, February 25, 1953, see here.
(19) Booklet produced for the opening of the Community Centre in March 1980.