Friday, June 13, 2014

Garfield Mechanics' Institute and Public Hall

The Garfield Mechanics' Institute was opened in March 1889 (1). A mechanics' institute generally housed a public hall and a library with books aimed to improve the education and knowledge of ‘mechanics’ a term used to describe the working man or tradesman.

In the 1890s Mechanics' Institutes had to send in a return to the Government and these returns were published in the annual  Statistical Register for the Colony of Victoria compiled from official records in the office of the Government Statist (2).  Garfield appears in the 1890, 1891 and 1892 editions of the Statistical Registers. They tell us that the cost of the building was  £224 and that it initially had a Library of 100 volumes; in 1891 the number of books had increased to 150, it was open from 7.00pm to 9.00pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays and had 500 visits through the year. In 1892 the Library had decreased to 120, the opening hours were the same and the number of visits was not listed.

The new Garfield Mechanics' Institute was used for a variety of other functions. For instance, in October 1889, it was reported that-
A conversazione was held in the Mechanics' Institute on the 4th inst. The attendance was very large considering the state of the weather. The following ladies and gentlemen took part in the programme provided: Miss Garrett played "Les Cloches du Monasterie" with great taste and execution. Mesdames Skinner, Spence, and Canning, with the Misses Skinner, Canning, and Jefferson, contributed some vocal and instrumental selections. Miss Watson and Master Farrow recited. Mr. Spence did not appear to remember the words of the pretty little ballad he sang, which met with faint applause. Messrs. Carter, Jefferson, and Garrett were encored for the rendition of their comic songs. Mr. Pollock's song, "Happy Moments" and Mr. Murphy's "The Good Rhine Wine" elicited warm approval from the audience. Mr. Edwards, suffering from a severe cold, attempted to sing "Nil Desperandum" but his voice was almost inaudible. Mr. Skinner sang "Doctor Quack" with his usual ability. The three consecutive comic songs of Mr. Hargreaves, completely took the audience by storm, thus proving that the comical element is better appreciated in Garfield than the sentimental. The services of those old favorites, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, are quite indispensable to Garfield (3). 

The Mechanics' Institute very nearly had a short life as in August 1890 the Warragul Guardian noted  that - 
On Sunday evening last an attempt was made to burn down the Mechanics' Institute, at Garfield. Mr. Ritchie who lives in the neighbourhood noticing a bright reflexion through the window of the hall, and knowing no one should be in there at the time went across to the building. He found the door open and the building on fire, but fortunately was able to extinguish the flames before they had attained any material headway. Immediately after he had successfully achieved this object, he informed Constable Canty of the occurrence, who with a party of trackers started to discover the incendiary. So far we have no information as to the search for the incendiary having been successful (4)

I have no information as to where this first hall was located or what happened to it, but by 1902 there was a movement in the town for a new Hall and a committee was formed to start collecting money and fund raising activities such as balls at Tynong and Iona were held over that year and the next. This is the report of the ball at Tynong in July 1903-
The ball held at Tynong on Friday last was in aid of the Garfield Hall, and turned out to be very successful. It was carried out in a creditable manner, as is usual when this district arranges anything for the benefit of Garfield. The catering was splendid, and reflects great credit on Mr. Bird (Garfield) for the splendid, small goods he supplied, there being full and plenty for all. The committee, which consisted of Messrs. Hogan, Rutledge, R. Hardwick, A Thorne, G Middenway, C Register, J. Gillespie, F. Edis (Sec.); Misses Rutledge, and Middenway, deserve great praise for the way they worked to bring things to a successful issue. The musicians Messrs. F. Elis (violinist) J. Rutledge (melodian) supplied music of a splendid description, and were heartily thanked for their services gratuitously given. Mr. G. Ellis acted as M.C. and carried out his duties in a worthy manner (5).

At a public meeting held on July 4, 1904 it was decided to purchase some land, on the north side of the railway line and opposite the Railway Station, to build the new public hall.  The land, next to the School, was purchased from Mr J.M Gillespie for £10.00 and an energetic working committee was appointed to further the movement, which is undoubtedly another step towards the improvement of the township (6).   The Secretary of the Committee was John Daly, the school teacher. The rest of the committee were J.J. Lyons, C. Pitt, G. Park, W.J. Walker and G.W. Ellis (7). 

Proposed new public hall at Garfield
Bunyip and Garfield Express July 7, 1904, p. 3.

The official opening of the Hall was on Saturday, November 26 1904 with a concert of  a high class nature (8) A report of the official opening in the Bunyip and Garfield Express said that the hall was a very commodious building, capable of accommodating between 250 and 300 people. It is constructed of pine walls with hardwood beams and is very tastefully designed. The staging and dressing rooms being up to date, altogether no fault could be found with the structure. ..... The main hall is 45 by 25 feet width, walls 14 feet, with stage fitted up in latest style and built into the foundation. In addition there were two dressing rooms which could be opened to one large room, 25 feet by 10 feet and used for Lodge meetings etc. The hall was designed by J.H. Walker and built by Ingebert Gunnelson (9). 

Garfield Public Hall, which opened in 1904
Berwick Pakenham Historical Society photograph (image has been cropped)

There had been an earlier function in the hall when the Garfield Branch of the Australian Natives Association (A.N.A) had held a banquet there on November 18 (10).   The A.N.A was a Friendly Society, with the aim of offering financial assistance to its members so thus provided sick pay and funeral benefits. It also aimed to promote the moral, social and intellectual improvement of its members. 

The opening ball was held on Wednesday, December 7, which was an unqualified success according to the Bunyip & Garfield Express (11)  Other early functions included the Garfield Cricket Club’s concert and ball held on December 30, where dancing was kept up till the early hours of the morn (12).  In the August of 1905 a progressive euchre party and dance was held by the Garfield Progressive Association and in the same month the A.N.A organized a public lecture where Senator Findlay spoke about his recent trip to Japan and China (13)

Report of the opening ball at the new Garfield Hall
Bunyip and Garfield Express December 15, 1904, p. 3

A new Garfield Public Library was opened on February 12, 1906. The subscription was 2 shillings and six pence a quarter or 10 shillings per annum (14).  A  report in the South Bourke & Mornington Journal  said the Committee had secured a splendid stock of books (15) It is likely that this Library was located in the Hall, perhaps in one of the dressing rooms. 

The opening of the Library
Bunyip and Garfield Express February 15, 1906, p. 2.

The usual range of events were held in the Garfield Hall - dances, dinners, use as a polling booth, concerts, wedding receptions etc. Then on Thursday, April 15 in 1937 the Hall was destroyed by fire. It had apparently started at 1.30am in the supper room and everything was destroyed except for some military equipment in a semi detached room at the back, according to a report in The Argus. The Hall was insured for £400.00 and its contents for £100.00 (16).  It was rebuilt and was re-opened possibly as early as September 22 the same year. Once again the hall hosted a range of social events - in the early 1950s my Dad, Frank Rouse, remembers that square dancing was very popular and that the Hall was packed for those dances - the caller was Bill Colvin of Koo Wee Rup. 

Garfield Public Hall, which opened in 1937
Berwick Pakenham Historical Society photograph.

Over 1953 -1954 improvements were made to the Hall and the kitchen, supper room and ladies toilets were updated. In March of 1954 a Civic Ball was held in the Hall to celebrate the visit of the Queen and Prince Phillip to Australia, they had visited Warragul the day before. Naturally the Queen and Prince Phillip were not in attendance but the local M.L.A, Les Cochrane, and the Berwick Shire President and most of the Councillors were present. The Hall had been decorated with flags and bunting and special lighting effects. The ballerina of the ball was Miss Elvie Cameron (17). 

The Hall was destroyed by fire, once again, on February 2, 1984 (18). 

Trove list - I have created a lost of articles on the Garfield Mechanics' Institute and Public Hall, access it here.

(1) The Age, March 9, 1889, see here.
(2) Statistical Registers - available here on the Victorian Government Library Service website.
(3) Great Southern Advocate, October 18, 1889, see here.
(4) Warragul Guardian, August 22, 1890, see here.
(5) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, July 22, 1903, see here
(6) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, July 20, 1904, see here.
(7) Bunyip and Garfield Express July 7, 1904, p. 3.
(8) Bunyip and Garfield Express, December 1, 1904, p. 3
(9) Ibid
(10) Bunyip and Garfield Express, November 24, 1904, p. 3
(11) Bunyip and Garfield Express, December 15, 1904, p. 3
(12) Bunyip and Garfield Express, January 5, 1905, p. 3
(13) South Bourke & Mornington Journal,  July 26, 1905, see here and August 9, 1905, see here
(14) Bunyip and Garfield Express February 15, 1906, p. 2.
(15) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, February 21, 1906, see here.
(16) The Argus, April 16, 1937, see here and The Age, April 16, 193, see here.
(17) I clearly got this information from somewhere when I first wrote this blog post in 2014, but now in 2022 when I am updating it, I can't find the source.

Koo Wee Rup Memorial Hall

The Memorial Hall used to stand between the Presbyterian Church and the Historical Society in Rossiter Road. The first hall had been opened on this site in April 1903. The Lang Lang Guardian of Saturday, April 11, 1903 reported on the opening -

Koo-Wee-Rup Hall. Official Opening. A Great Assemblage
Members of the committee of this movement felt radiant last Wednesday evening and the importance of the event, coupled with the visit  of Mr. A.C. Groom, M.H.R., a packed and appreciative audience  and a lovely moonlight night justified them in placing all these things as a good augary for future prospetity. The building, with fittings, was erected at a tota cost of £290, and at the present time there is a debit balance of £150 on it.

In opening, Mr Mickle (president) briefly introduced Mr Groom. Speeches were cut short, and in a few well-chosen words Mr Groom officially declared the Hall open. Mr Mickle then read the financial statement as above.

Mr Laidlaw, as a member of the committee, congratulated and offered the warmest felicitations to Mr Groom, and eulogised him in being privileged to assist in guiding the destinies of the Commonwealth. The speaker congratulated their Federal member on a white Australia and the Federal tariff, and hoped he would establish arbitration and conciliation to the worker. Mr Laidlaw then congratulated residents on the erection of such a Hall. It was in an incomplete state, but he trusted finances would come in as well as they had done in the past. The committee intended to establish a library and gymnasium, and if the public only gave their support they would succeed in making it one of the best halls in South Gippsland.

After a hearty vote of thanks had been passed to performers and Mr Groom, the latter expressed his pleasure at being present. He hoped that in future, election meetings would be held in the Hall and that there would be as many present. If all audiences were so large and appreciative, the committee would have no trouble regarding finances.

Concert proceedings closed with the National Anthem, after which an adjournment was made to a large marquee adjoining, where the ladies were ubiquitous in handing around good things. The Hall was meantime cleared for dancing, and the light fantastic  was tripped until the “wee’ sma’ hours ayont the twa.”

Mr J.A. Mickle as president, the members of the committee, and Mr A. Woodman, hon.sec., deserve every praise for the consummation of their praiseworthy efforts.

 In 1912, the Hall became a Mechanics’ Institute, in order for it to access government grants. In the nineteenth century the term ‘mechanic’ meant artisan or working man. The Mechanics’ Institute movement began in 1800 when Dr George Birkbeck of the Andersonian Institute in Scotland gave a series of lectures to local mechanics. The lectures were free and popular. They led to the formation of the Edinburgh School of Arts (1821) and the London Mechanics’ Institute (1823). The movement spread quickly throughout the British Empire. The first Victorian Mechanics’ Institute was the Melbourne Mechanics’ Institute established in 1839 and renamed The Melbourne Athenaeum in 1873, which continues to operate in its original building on Collins Street. Over a thousand were built in Victoria and 562 remain today.

Mechanics’ Institutes were generally connected to a Public Hall. Bayles was another local town which had a Mechanics’ Institute. This was located in the Bayles Hall which had been re-located from Yallock and officially opened in January 1932. The Tooradin Mechanics Institute was built in 1882, burnt down in 1937 and the existing Hall was opened in 1938. The old Cora Lynn hall was also originally a Mechanics Institute.  Mechanic’s Institutes generally had a library, and may have offered lectures, discussions or classes.

The Koo Wee Rup hall was of weather board and it was extended in 1919.  The brick front and other rooms were added in 1925 and it was renamed the Memorial Hall to honour the First World War soldiers.

 Hall before the 1923 extension.  

The Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of Australia paid £300 to help fund these additions and had a lease on the Hall at the rental of one peppercorn per annum.  The Hall was used for various entertainments - Colvin’s Pictures began weekly screenings on September 11th, 1922, this was five years before the Wattle Theatre was opened. The first Koo-Wee-Rup Scout troop gave a display in the Hall in August 1929. Public meetings, wedding receptions, debutant balls, twenty first birthdays, kitchen teas were all held in the Hall.

The original Hall and the brick extension are clearly seen in the photograph, which was taken during the 1934 flood 

During the Back to Koo-Wee-Rup celebrations of late October, early November 1969 the Hall was used for activities. Students of Koo-Wee-Rup High School would well remember having their H.S.C exams in the Hall in the 1970s.  In one of my exams there were about five of us in the Hall, and we were at least equalled in number by the sparrows flying around the ceiling. The Hall was demolished in 2002 and plaque on the fence marks its location.

These two views of the Hall are photographs from the Mechanics’ Institutes Resource Centre at the Prahran Mechanics' Institute

Koo-Wee-Rup Fire Brigade - the early years

The Koo-Wee-Rup Sun of December 2, 1943 reported on a Public Meeting held at the Memorial Hall on November 26 to establish a local Fire Brigade. Brigades could only be established at the request of the local Council and as such it was Cr Leslie Cochrane who chaired the meeting. Mr A. McPherson, the Chief Officer of the Country Fire Brigades’ Board was also present. He had visited the town previously and considered it a suitable location for a Brigade and the Cranbourne Shire Council had agreed and made the necessary arrangements for the establishment of one.  As both the Council and the Country Fire Brigades’ Board agreed then all that remained was to get the personnel. McPherson suggested that Koo-Wee-Rup establish an A class Brigade which consisted of four Officers and eleven firemen. Under normal circumstance the Board would spend over £1,000 in setting up a Brigade, however due to the War many appliances were unavailable.

McPherson also talked of the social activities enjoyed by members of brigades at the annual demonstrations and that these demonstrations would be resumed after the return of 1,850 men at present in the fighting services. Koo-Wee-Rup established a competition team in 1950. Given that fighting fires can be dangerous, McPherson also said that the Board could grant up to £500 to the dependents of a fireman killed on duty. The Board would also give an annual allowance of £20 to the Brigade and the Council would also give an annual sum.

Volunteers were then called for and thirteen men answered the call and elected their own leaders. The first Captain was the alliteratively named Loyal Leslie Lackman; the Lieutenant was Cyril Isbister; the Foreman was William Mahoney; Secretary Samuel Lewis and other members were Kenneth Cochrane, John Sauer, Edward Holley, Thomas Perkins, William Winters, Albert Rushton, Thomas English and reserves were D. Johnson and L. Plowright. Johnson and Plowright were both under 18 years of age, which is why they were placed on the reserve list, according to the Koo-Wee-Rup Sun report. Lackman’s time as Captain was short lived as a report in the Koo-Wee-Rup Sun of May 4, 1944 said that Captain Lackman was farewelled by the members of the Brigade on April 28 as he had been transferred from the district by his employee, the State Rivers & Water Supply Commission. The report went on to say that in the short time he had been in Koo-Wee-Rup he had exhibited keen sportsmanship and had became a citizen the district could ill afford to lose. Soon after he left Koo-Wee-Rup, Loyal Lackman passed away suddenly on June 2, 1944 at Cobram at the age of 52.

At the meeting held on May 8, 1944 Cyril Isbister was elected as Captain and Clarence Raymond ‘Dick’ Florance elected Lieutenant. In July 1947, Dick Florance started his long reign as Captain, holding the position until October 1972, when John Duff took on the role. Captain Duff held the position until he passed away suddenly on September 13, 1979. Lieutenant Keith Ridgway was then elected as the new Captain. Captain Ridgway served in the role until his retirement in December 1993 and Lieutenant Lindsay Black was elected. Captain Black finished his tenure in May 2002 when Michael Duff was elected.

A temporary fire station was to be established until the permanent building could be erected which opened in Rossiter Road in September 1947. The present Station Street building (which was expanded in 1984) was officially opened October 2, 1959.

This photo partially shows the Rossiter Road fire station as well as the bell tower.

The Ladies Auxiliary was formed on November 14, 1956 with Mrs Claire Howarth elected as President.  The other Office bearers were Mrs Connie Grundy, Mrs Tobe Florance and Miss Janice Duff. The Auxiliary still supports the Brigade with fund raising and other activities.

Sources: Notes supplied by Mrs May Ridgway; Koo Wee Rup Fire Brigade Ladies Auxiliary: a brief history; Koo-Wee-Rup Sun.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Les O’Riordan’s recollections - early township buildings

In 1968, Dave Mickle interviewed seventy-six year old Les O’Riordan. John Leslie O’Riordan was born on August 26, 1892 and is said to be the first white child born in the Koo-Wee-Rup Village settlement. His father, John O’Riordan, opened a store in the town in 1890 - it was a tin shed at the rear of what is now Light’s garage.

Les married Margaret Colvin in August 1918 and they lived at Mallow,  which is now the head quarters of the Historical Society.  The house was built by her father, John Colvin. Margaret’s brother, A.C Colvin (Andrew) opened a cycle shop in the town in 1911 and later became an Agent for Ford Cars. Les died in October 1978 and Margaret in October 1955; they had three children.

Some of the interview with Les is published in Dave’s book Mickle Memories, but we also have the notes from the interview at the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp  Historical Society, so what follows is a combination of both.

This is the map that Dave Mickle drew up  whilst talking to Les O'Riordan.

Rossiter Road
From the corner store going northwards (or down towards Bayles) On the left there was Thomson’s butchers shop, Ross the saddler, Bergin the bootmaker and Turner’s sweets shop, which was  just before Jack Gray’s house. Next was Keighery’s bootmakers and saddlery.  Still going north there was a timber building housing the London Bank (later moved to its current location – the ANZ bank). When the bank moved, Ben Darlington operated his radio shop from the site (where the car yard was).  Just over Gardiner Street was Mrs Greys’ shop,  then the Presbyterian Church and the Memorial Hall.

Station Street
Back to the Rossiter Road/Station street corner - the corner store was built for Bullocks, then owned by Finnigan, Battersby, Malouf, W.A Stephenson, Ernest Cougal and Ernest Williams. Along Station Street was the new London Bank, then a small paddock and Joe Morrison’s black smiths shop.  Next to Joe Morrison was Colvin’s cycle works and his Swastika café which he leased to the Misses Gallagher in 1922.  The swastika was originally a symbol representing well being and was used by many cultures until the rise of the Nazi Party in the 1930s. In the 1920s in Koo-Wee-Rup it was just a symbol of good luck, nothing sinister.

Station Street in Koo-Wee-Pup - the small building on the left is the Post Office. Next to it is the Swastika cafe.

Molly O’Riordan’s post office was next - it was described by Les as a small square building under a large pine tree, clearly seen in the picture, above.  This little post office was removed and Colvin’s built a garage (Albons).  At the rear of this site, the O’Riordans had built a coffee palace some years previously. It burnt down on the late 1920s/ early 1930s.  O’Riordan’s residence and store were next, on the corner of Moody Street.  A room at the back of the store was used as the first hall.  Behind the hotel was Wilkins (later Johnson) bakery and Johnson Brothers (later De Vries) butchery.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Leslie and Ivy Cochrane

Cochrane Park in Koo-Wee-Rup is named after Leslie James Cochrane.  Mr Cochrane died on April 25, 1972. His funeral was held on April 28 at the Presbyterian Church and attended by an estimated 1,000 people with another 700 people attending the service at the Springvale Crematorium.

Leslie was born in Bentleigh in 1894 to David and Lucy (nee Burgess) Cochrane. The family moved to Caldermeade when he was eight. He enlisted in the First World War on May 2, 1916 at the age of 21. He was in the 46th Infantry battalion and saw war service in France. He returned to Australia in February 1918 and in the December of the same year he married Ivy, the daughter of Harry and Sarah Wildes of Yannathan.  Leslie and Ivy moved to a soldier settlement block on the Pakenham Road.  After the war, as well as running the farm, Mr Cochrane began a life of community service. He joined the Cranbourne Shire Council in 1930, representing the Koo-Wee-Rup Riding until 1964 and was Shire President on four occasions. It was said he never missed a meeting.

Mr Cochrane also represented Gippsland West in the Legislative Assembly from May 1950 until May 1970 for the Country Party. He held various Parliamentary positions and was the Country Party ‘whip’ from 1961 until 1970.  When he died, the Premier, Sir Henry Bolte; the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Clive Holding and the leader of the Country Party, Mr Ross-Edwards, each presented a short eulogy on Mr Cochrane in the Victorian Parliament. In fact, Sir Henry pointed out that Mr Cochrane was the last surviving member of this Parliament who served as a member of the Australian Infantry Forces during the First World War. Mr Cochrane was also the President of the Westernport Memorial Hospital Board and he was awarded a Life Membership for his work with the R.S.L. He was a Past Master of the Koo-Wee-Rup Masonic Lodge and an Elder of the Presbyterian Church and was awarded an O.B.E in 1971.

Leslie and Ivy had two children - Irene (Mrs Jack Haw who died in 2001) and Stewart who died in 2000.  Mrs Cochrane was also involved in community organizations such as the Presbyterian Ladies Guild and attended the first Koo-Wee-Rup Red Cross meeting. She was Foundation President of the Hospital Ladies Auxiliary and was awarded a Life Governorship of the Hospital in 1974. Mrs Cochrane died in September 1986, aged 91.

Cochrane Park was developed by the Apex Club in 1980 on Railway land. It was then taken over by the Lions Club who named it for Leslie Cochrane.

The two photograph are from the Koo-Wee-Rup Sun May 3, 1972 from a report about Mr Cochrane's funeral.

Monday, May 12, 2014

National Service by Frank Rouse

National Service was introduced in Australia in 1951, in response to the Cold War and the rise of Communism. The first intake was in April 1951 and it was abolished in November 1959. It operated again from 1964 until 1972.  This is Frank’s story of his National Service.

Photo: Frank Rouse, on the left, and George Jones on the right.

I was called up in the third intake, at the end of May 1952, when I was 18. This intake took in men from Gippsland.  I spent three months at Puckapunyal, where we lived in a hut with 15 others, eight beds down each side. During the three months we learnt to march and handle a rifle and learn the rifle movements. We had to guard the transport depot, I had the midnight to 4.00am shift and the men from the regular Army used to just ignore us and just walk in. At the end of the three months we did a three day march, 20 miles per day, in full uniform with a 303 rifle, back pack and two ground sheets. We slept with a ground sheet on top of us and it was very cold at night. We received our rations in the morning and had to cook them during the day. Each Unit had a Bren gun which also had to be carried.

During this three month camp I was chosen to attend a march through Melbourne. Only three from my hut were selected. We got the bus to Melbourne and lined up with hundreds of other service men and military bands at the top of Swanston Street, near the old CUB brewery. We marched the length of Swanston Street to the Shrine where we were given refreshments and I caught up with Mum and my sister Dorothy, who had came up from Cora Lynn for the day. It was interesting to march through the crowds and to hear the people cheering.

After that, if you lived near a Drill hall, such as the one at Warragul, you had to attend every Friday for two hours for two years. Because I lived at Cora Lynn I had to attend two three week camps. They were at Scrub Hill near Puckapunyal.  At the first camp, I volunteered to be a driver and drove the Doctor (a Colonel) around in a Jeep. At the second Camp, I volunteered to be medical orderly, as I had done First aid training in the Scouts.  First thing in the morning was a medical parade where I treated minor ailments, made toast for the Doctor and did whatever else I was ordered to by the Doctor. The majority worked on Artillery, alongside the regular Army, and they operated 5½ inch guns which had a twenty mile range.

In 1954, the Queen visited Warragul and as I was still doing my National Service a day guarding the Queen was a day off my National Service.  I rode up from Cora Lynn on my motor bike to the Drill hall where we were assembled. We were inspected to make sure our uniform was correct, issued with our 303 rifles, and then marched over the railway bridge and along the highway to about where C.S & J.S Brown’s garage is (near Napier Street)

From there we were spread along the edge of the road (the old Highway) over the hill and almost down to the railway crossing, on each side of the road. We were stood ‘at ease’ by about 9.45am and we waited for the Queen’s entourage. We waited, unable to move or leave our positions. It was a very good thing that we had better bladders then than we have now.

At about 11.45am the word went out that the Queen was coming and we stood to attention ready to ‘present arms’. The entourage flew past at about 50 miles an hour. We marched back to the Drill hall where we handed over our rifles and we were dismissed.

Other locals who did national service with me were George Jones, from Warragul; Aub Goodman (Vervale), Kevin Batchelor (Bunyip), Mulga Shelton (Pakenham), Butch Giles (Trafalgar),  Stan Riches (Garfield), Ian Chatfield (Nar Nar Goon) and Kevin Wilby (Modella).

I asked Dad how he felt about his National Service and he was very positive about it as he said it was interesting, the other blokes were all a similar age and had a farming background or worked in saw mills, so they all had a similar outlook. Dad had been boy scout so he was used to camping and he was already used to hard work as he had been working on the farm full time since he left school at the end of Form 4, so he found the work easy and what’s more he got paid seven shillings per day, whereas he was paid nothing at home.   Heather Arnold.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Garfield Railway Station

I have written before about how the construction of the Sale Railway line was the seminal event in the establishment of the town of Garfield. The Gippsland line to Sale was opened in stages - Sale to Morwell June 1877 (the material for this stage was shipped along the coast to the Port of Sale); Oakleigh to Bunyip October 1877; Moe to Morwell December 1877; Moe to Bunyip March 1878 and the last stretch from South Yarra to Oakleigh in 1879. Originally, the only Stations between Dandenong and Bunyip were Berwick and Pakenham. However a number of timber sidings developed along this line including the Cannibal Creek Siding built in 1885. In May 1886, the Cannibal Creek Post Office was established at the Railway Station and this changed its name to the Garfield Railway Post Office on May 16, 1887. The name Garfield came from the assassinated American President, James Garfield, who was shot July 2, 1881 and died September 19, 1881.

View of the Goods Shed at the Railway station in 1920. The Garfield Hall is in the background.
Berwick Pakenham Historical Society photograph

In the book Rigg of the Railways: Station Masters of the Victorian Railways the author Tom Rigg lists the following Station Masters as having served at Garfield.
McLean, Roderick February 1910 to August 1911
Finnie, Norman July 1912 - August 1917
McCauley, John Alexander June 1918 - March 1920
Lanigan, Patrick September 1919 - February 1919
Mather, James around 1920,1921
Stewart, Francis David March 1920 - September 1921
Lang, Elmo Thomas December 1921 - July 1923
Marks, John Alexander July 1924 - January 1927
Bently, Leslie George December 1926 - June 1928
Callaghan, Henry Richard July 1928 - January 1933
Hosking, Henry Towers January 1933 - September 1937. Due to economic depression wife was caretaker part-time at Garfield.
Smith, Arthur Leslie June 1942 - December 1944
Graham, Norman Joseph December 1944 - December 1954. I couldn’t find anyone listed after 1954, but my mother says that a Mr Tighe was the Station Master around the late 1950s/ early1960s.

This is a view from the Station towards Main Street Garfield - taken in the 1980s.
Image: Shire of Pakenham slide, Casey Cardinia Libraries

Apparently, Station Masters were classified according to the Station to which they were appointed and Garfield (in 1923 at least) was a Class 8 station, as was its neighbours Tynong and Nar Nar Goon. Bunyip was a Class 7 and so must have had more freight and was therefore busier. There are other Railway Station employees listed in various sources prior to 1910 but it does appear that Garfield wasn’t busy enough for a permanent Station Master until then. For instance, in Bill Parrish’s notes on the history of Garfield (held at the Berwick Pakenham Historical Society) he lists James Godfrey as ‘Porter in charge’ at Cannibal Creek siding in October 1885 and he became the Post Master in 1886. The Post Masters and Mistresses at Garfield were all Railway employees until around the end of the First World War, when the Post Office moved from the Railway Station. Bill also lists a Mrs Thomson as being the Station caretaker in 1904.

1965 Garfield Railway Station diagram from

Over the years, all sorts of produce was loaded at the Garfield Railway Station - livestock, milk and other dairy products (such as cheese from the Cora Lynn factory), chaff and timber. There was a spur line that went off the main line to the Goods Shed and loading area (where the car park is now on the Highway side of the railway line)
 My Dad, Frank Rouse, used to load potatoes there. All potatoes in the 1940s and until 1954 had to be sold through the Potato Board and had to be loaded at a prescribed loading area, in this case Garfield.  They were loaded onto the rail and sent to Spencer Street railway yards where the marketing board had their shed. They were then sold by the Board. If you sold ‘out of the Board’ you were up for massive fines. Farmers were given a quota for the week, for instance seven bags (each bag was 150 lbs or 65 kg, later on they were reduced to 50kgs)  and that was all you were allowed.

The railway trucks could take 12 tons but before they were loaded they had to be inspected by the Potato Inspector, Jack Stalker. Apparently, he was a fan of the VW Beetle, so if you wanted to get your potatoes passed you just talked about VWs or if you told him you were a ‘bit worried about them’, and then he would just pass them. If they weren’t passed then you had to empty the bag, remove the bad ones and re-pack them and re-sew the bag. The farmers had to load the railway trucks themselves and some railway trucks had doors but others were like carts, with a wall about a metre or so high and in this case the bags had to be lifted by hand over the wall and then stacked in the truck. Sometimes the produce just sat there for days before they were picked up. The Potato Board finished in 1954 and after that you could sell them where you wanted. Dad and his brother Jim used Dan Cunningham as an agent and they also later loaded at Nar Nar Goon. If you sold them interstate they could be delivered by truck.

In the 1950s, the line was duplicated from Dandenong to Morwell and also electrified due to need to transport briquettes from Yallourn to Melbourne. In 1954, the electrification process was completed as far as Warragul and it was on July 22 in that year that ‘electric traction’ commenced according to the Victorian Railways Annual Report. Duplication works were completed in stages with the Tynong to Bunyip section opened in August 1956. The Bunyip to Longwarry section still remains unduplicated due to the need to widen the bridge over the Bunyip River. Due to the increased number of trains (it was estimated that briquette transportation would require an additional 20 trains per day, over the existing seven) the level crossing which was basically opposite the Picture Theatre was closed and the overpass was opened in 1953. The Thirteen Mile Road used to continue over the railway line to the goods yards and this was closed perhaps around the same time or maybe earlier.

The Goods Shed was originally built around 1905 and a weigh bridge was erected in 1919. At 2.00pm on Thursday February 21, 1924 the Station was destroyed by fire. The Argus reported that a few milk cans were rescued from the goods shed. A number of parcels, including two bicycles and a perambulator, and a quantity of passengers' luggage, were destroyed, in addition to departmental records. Both the Station and the Goods Shed were rebuilt at the time but they were then demolished some time ago and replaced by the banal and tacky structures that pass for railway architecture today. They were still there in December 1989 - if you want a nostalgic look at them, then check out this website ‘When there were Stations’ -

  • Rigg of the Railways: Station Masters of the Victorian Railways by Tom Rigg (published by the author in 2001)
  • The Electric Railways of Victoria : a brief  history  of the electrified railway system operated by the Victorian railways 1919 to 1979 by S.E. Dornan and R.H Henderson (Australian Electric Traction Association, 1979)