Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cora Lynn township plan and early land sales

This is the Cora Lynn township plan. This shows the original township allotments and the first owner of the allotments after the Government land sales. 

Township of Cora Lynn plan - the town is split between the Parish of Koo Wee Rup and that of
 Koo Wee Rup East.
Click on image to enlarge.
See the entire plan on the State Library of Victoria here 

In Section T some of the sales must have taken place in 1904 as Allotments 14a to 14c have a purchase date of  June 28, 1904. Land sales were generally advertised in the newspapers and I have found this report in The Argus of October 5, 1909 with Allotments 10b, 10d and 10f of Section T for sale - each about half an acre. According to the Plan, above, George Petrie Murdoch Senior (1851-1934) and George Petrie Murdoch Junior (1872-1972) purchased this land and the other adjoining allotments. George Junior also operated the Cora Lynn store, which opened in 1907 on what I believe are Allotments 14b & 14c, Section F; J.L. Stein being listed as the land owner on this plan. More information on the  Cora Lynn store, see here.

Crown land sales, including blocks at Cora Lynn

Monday, January 7, 2013

100 years ago this week - Ice Cream manufacturers

This is from a report, in the South Bourke and |Mornington Journal, 100 years ago this week,  of  the Berwick Shire Council Meeting held on Saturday, January 11 1913 and refers to applications to make Ice Cream at Garfield and Bunyip.

South Bourke and Mornington Journal January 16, 1913 page 5.
From Trove

In the 1914  Electoral Roll, Catherine Louch was listed as the Newsagent at Garfield. Margaret Bell of Bunyip is listed as a 'Confectioner'.  Commercial production of ice cream was relatively new in Australia. According to the book Cream of the Country: a history of Victorian dairying by Norman Godbold (Dairy Industry Association of Australia, 1989) ice cream became popular around 1910 and there were many manufacturers. They originally used custard in the ice cream but this was revoluntionised by Fred Peters, an American, who had arrived in Sydney in 1908 with his mother's ice cream recipe which used only pure dairy products. It took Peters four year to accumulate enough money to go into the ice cream business  and when he did in 1912 the demand for his 'American' style ice cream was amazing. Peters Ice Cream is now part of Nestles.

I don't know how successful the new ice cream making ventures of Catherine and Margaret were, however in the 1919 Electoral roll Catherine is still listed as the Newsagent, but in the 1924 Electoral roll there is a Catherine Louch listed in the St Kilda area and her occupation is listed a 'Confectioner', so it seems likely that her career started in Garfield. You can read more about Margaret here.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cora Lynn Cheese Factory

Cora Lynn Cheese Factory, 1998.
Image: Heather Arnold

The Cheese Factory at Cora Lynn is  a prominent landmark, and as you can see by the date on the factory, it was established in 1910. This photograph was taken in 1998 and it has since been refurbished. I have tried to find out the exact date of the opening, but can only conclude from the following newspaper reports that it was in November 1911. The factory was was established by the Drouin Co-Operative Butter Factory.  The factory was remodelled in 1932 and at that time had around 500 regular suppliers. (1) The factory appears to have closed in the late 1940s and then re-opened for a short time time in the early 1950s. (2)

In August 1910, it was reported that the shareholders of the proposed cheese factory at Cora Lynn asked the Lands department to sell them some land on which to build a factory. The initial price of the land  was £50 per acres, which was considered too high and it was later reduced to £30 per acre.

Proposed Cheese Factory at Cora Lynn
The Argus,  August 3 1910

The land was acquired and a tender was accepted in October 1910 to build the factory from W. Hughes for £290. 

Tender accepted from W. Hughes.
The Argus, October 15 1910,

   The Factory was under construction in December 1910.

Factory under construction
Berwick Shire News,  December 7, 1910, p. 2

In January 1911, it was reported in the Bunyip and Garfield Express that -
The local cheese factory is now approaching completion, and the floors are now being put in. Within the next few weeks the company expect to have the building ready for the machinery, which will be  installed immediately.

Approaching completion
Bunyip and Garfield Express, January 24, 1911, p. 2

There were a number of 'optimistic' newspaper reports which noted that the factory had been completed, such as this one in January 1911 - 

Cora Lynn making rapid strides
The Argus, January 31, 1911,

However, in March 1911, The Leader reported - The dairy farmers around Cora Lynn are complaining of the delay in completing the new cheese factory, as they are missing the flush of the season. (3)  On April 8, The Leader reported - The new cheese factory at Cora Lynn, on the Kooweerup swamp, has been completed. (4)  The building may well have completed, but it was still a long way from being opened.

In August, the factory still had not opened, but they were apparently planning something extra special, as the Bunyip and Garfield Express, reported -
Speaking of the cheese factory reminds this writer that there is no official mention of the opening date, but when the matter is fixed, I understand that the opening  is to be something extra special, and it is expected that Mr. Newton of the Gippsland Co-operative Butter Factories Company will attend, and several other public speakers. 

No official opening date yet....
Bunyip and Garfield Express, August 29, 1911, p. 3

On September 5, 1911 the Bunyip and Garfield Express reported on a speech from Mr A. Jeffers, a director of the Drouin Butter factory, where he mentioned a possible reason why the Cora Lynn factory wasn't yet opened - 
He hoped to see the local cheese factory started in a fortnight, or, at the latest, on October 1. If the suppliers could guarantee 200 gallons of milk daily, it could start immediately, but one thing they must remember that the running expenses of the factory would amount to £3 per week, and that would be debited against the local factory; therefore the full supply should be forthcoming before the factory opened. 

Part of Mr Jeffers' speech
Bunyip and Garfield Express, September 5, 1911, p. 3

One month later, on October 3, 1911 the Bunyip and Garfield Express reported again on the Cora Lynn factory, and it still had not opened -
Speaking generally, fodder is not too plentiful, consequently, the opening of the cheese factory had been delayed beyond the date first anticipated. Referring to the factory, it is considered locally that once supply comes forward this industry will be the support of the district, since we are situated at a distance from the railway line. This means a considerable time on the road with consignments, whilst the cheese factory is right in the district.

The factory is still delayed 
Bunyip and Garfield Express, October 3, 1911, p. 3

Three weeks later on October 24, there was another report on the progress of the Cora Lynn factory in the Bunyip and Garfield Express -
The local cheese factory will be opened at an early date, and the manager (Mr Sherridan) is busy making preparations. Only 200 gallons daily are required to keep the factory working, but it is expected that the supply will greatly exceed this once the season starts. A number of farmers are adding to their dairy herds, and judging from the number of cattle in the district the supply should not be far short of 600 gallons of milk daily. The factory is a commodious building consisting of a vat room, engine room and cheese room, and should prove sufficient for the requirements of the district for some time to come.

Cheese factory to be opened soon.....
Bunyip and Garfield Express, October 24, 1911, p. 3

The manager noted in the above article was John Robert Sheridan, listed in the 1913 Electoral Rolls as a Factory Manager of Cora Lynn, also listed was his wife, Emily Florence. Their two children, Raymond and May,  were enrolled at the Cora Lynn State School in 1911. In the 1914 Electoral Rolls, the family had moved to Milawa,

I cannot find any report of the official opening of the factory, however the November 21, 1911 edition of the Bunyip and Garfield Express could finally report that the Cora Lynn Cheese factory was actually open -
The local cheese factory is now opened for business, and the supply coming forward is very satisfactory and is increasing daily. It is estimated that the district is at present capable of supplying 500 gallons per day which will be close up to the full capacity of the factory.

The Factory is opened
Bunyip and Garfield Express, November 21, 1911, p. 3

In December, the Bunyip and Garfield Express reported on the good progress of the Cora Lynn factory -
Since the opening of the cheese factory there has been a great increase in the milk supply thereto. On the opening day 80 gallons were supplied, now it has reached 400 gallons and there is a large daily increase, and it is expected that the supply will reach 500 gallons daily this week. The machinery is working to full capacity at present, and will shortly have to be supplemented. General satisfaction is expressed amongst the farmers with return from the factory, as they are much higher than the home separator. 

Cora Lynn Factory going well
Bunyip and Garfield Express, December 5, 1911, p. 3

The factory was remodelled and enlarged in 1932 and it was officially re-opened on September 28, 1932, by the local M.L.A., Matthew Bennett. The Age reported - 
The Cora Lynn cheese factory erected on the latest designs, has been officially opened. It will have a capacity of more than treble the present output. During the past fortnight the milk received at the factory was 319,110 lb., three times the quantity received at the two factories operating at Iona and Cora Lynn for the corresponding period thirteen years ago. At the Royal show the factory gained third prize for cheese over six mouths old. The company is entirely co-operative. The new factory was opened by Mr. Bennett. M.L.A., in the presence of a large gathering of suppliers, shareholders
and others interested. (5)

The Cora Lynn Cheese factory opening ceremony

Trove list - I have created a list of articles on Trove, on the Cora Lynn Cheese factory. Access it here.

(1) The Argus, September 29, 1932 see here; The Age, September 29, 1932, see here.
(2) See articles on my Trove list, here.
(3) The Leader, March 4, 1911, see here.
(4) The Leader, April 8, 1911, see here.
(5) The Age, September 29, 1932, see here.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

100 years ago this week - Hotels

This was in the South Bourke and Mornington Journal of December 19, 1912, 100 years ago this week. It is an interesting listing of local hotels - many still in existence. 

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Starting from the top - the Border Inn, also known as the Berwick Inn, is still operating. It was established in 1857 by Robert and Susan Bain. After Robert's death in 1887, Susan took over as licensee until her death in 1908. Bourkes Hotel at Pakenham is on the Princes Highway where it crosses the Toomuc Creek. It was started in 1850 by Michael and Kitty Bourke and was originally called the La Trobe Inn. Michael died in 1877 and it was then operated by Kitty until 1910. The Cardinia Park Hotel at Beaconsfield still operates. It was originally called the Bush Inn and would have opened in the 1870s or 1880s. The Racecourse Hotel at Eumemmerring - not sure where  this was exactly, however it would have been on the Princes Highway near the Eumemmerring Creek. The Pakenham Hotel is the one near the Railway station. When it opened around 1880 it was known as the Gembrook Hotel; the existing building dates from 1929. The Gippsland Hotel at Beaconsfield, is now known as the Central hotel and was built on the Princes Highway near where it crosses the Cardinia Creek. It was started around 1855 by David and Janet Bowman. The existing building dates from around 1928. The  Gippsland Hotel at Bunyip is known as the Top Pub and was built around 1925. The Hallam Hotel is still operating on the original site, it started around the early 1870s. The Iona  Hotel at Garfield still operates, it opened in 1904, burnt down in 1914 and the existing building dates from 1915. The Nar Nar Goon Hotel is also still operating,  though the original building, built in 1883 for Michael O'Brien,  burnt down. The New Bunyip Hotel, was on the Princes Highway where it crossed the Bunyip river, it started in the 1870s. The Pine Grove Hotel, first started in the 1880s in Upper Beaconsfield and still exists. The Railway Hotel in Bunyip was built in 1924 to replace the 1890s building which was destroyed by fire, it is still operating. The Ranges Hotel in Gembrook apparently started in the 1890s and has been extended over the years.  I don't know about the next four hotels - the Albion, the Bridge and the Club Hotels in Dandeong and the Bridge Hotel in Mordialloc. The Cranbourne Hotel was opposite the Motor Club Hotel in High Street Cranbourne and the building was demolished in the 1970s. The  Halfway House Hotel at Lyndhurst no longer exists, it was opened in 1871. The Motor Club Hotel at Cranbourne, known as Kellys is going strong, the existing building was built inn 1926.
The Hotels in the second column are outside my area of knowledge, apart from the Paradise Hotel, which is listed at Paradise Valley, this is now known as Clematis.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Iona Riding, Berwick Shire

This is from the Pakenham Gazette of August 30, 1963 (page 9). Most of the Koo-Wee-Rup Swamp was in the Shire of Cranbourne and it was the Iona Riding of the Berwick Shire that had the Swamp towns of Cora Lynn, Vervale and Iona. The  Iona Riding also took in Tynong, Garfield and Bunyip.  Although this is nearly 50 years ago the main complaints are still  the same - drains and road conditions. the Shire President at the time was Cr Trevor Kilvington of  Gembrook Road, Pakenham. He was Shire President for a short time, he took over after the death of Cr E.A. C 'Bill' Russell who died in May 1963 and served until the November. The Shire Engineer was Ronald Joseph Chambers, who served from 1948 until 1973.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

100 years ago this week - Weather

This is a weather report from the South Bourke and Mornington Journal of December 12, 1912. The 'terrific storm' happened Monday, December 9.

The terrific storm
 South Bourke and Mornington Journal December 12, 1912  

A terrific storm struck this district at 10.30 on Monday night and lasted about 20 minutes. The rain came down in torrents and the wind made houses shake, but not much damage was done to buildings. The weather we are getting is like that of two years ago, when a wet summer followed by a wet winter caused a heavy flood here and brought down a lot of sand, which is now lying in large heaps on the banks of the canal. It would make a splendid top dressing for our roads. The road on east aide of canal between Denham's road and Commercial road badly wants sanding.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Garfield Racing Club

In December 1901 it was reported that - A meeting of the Garfield  Progressive Association was held this week to consider the advisability of holding a race meeting here. It was decided to hold a meeting on the recreation ground, which is now being cleared and fenced. (1)  

In February 1902, there was an update on the race meeting -
Ever since it was decided to form a race club at Garfield the residents of that district from near and far have met on Saturday afternoons and by steady work have transformed the old reserve into something like a decent place. The reserve consists of some 15 acres close to the station and adjoining  the residence of Mr W. Ritchie. The situation is all that could be desired for the purpose and when the work is thoroughly finished it will be found that the course is one of the finest this side of the metropolis. The racing track will be 1 mile 3 furlongs long and this has been achieved by permission of a couple of landholders who have given the club the right to use the necessary additional ground. A grand stand and the usual appurtenances are to be erected and it is anticipated that the opening meeting of the club on March 12 will see the course in complete order. (2)

The Race Committee consisted of:  President - Joseph Henry Walker; Vice President and Chairman of Stewards - Charles Pitt; Stewards - Messrs John Daly (the Garfield school teacher), J.T Kelly, Donald, Pitt, Fitzpatrick, William Ritchie and Captain A’Beckett;  Clerk of Course - Mr. Shandley; Starter - Mr. Pitt; Judge - Mr. Walker; Saddle cloth steward - Thomas Hegney; Clerk of scales - Mr. Archer; Weigher – Mr. S. Walker; Pony measurer -  Mr. Fitzpatrick; Handicapper - Mr. Smith and  the Hon. Surgeon was  Dr Cowen. (3)

Garfield Weights for the first race meeting

The first race meeting was held on Wednesday, March 12 1902 and it was very successful -
The opening meeting of this recently formed club was held on the course near the railway station yesterday, and considering the strong counter attractions in the Cranbourne races and the Warragul Show, was a great success. The day was a good one for the sport and the several events provided some good racing and finishes. The committee of the club were indefatigable in their efforts to provide comfort for their patrons and a great amount of praise is certainly due to the secretary, Mr Smith, for the manner in which the meeting resulted. (4)

The results at this first race meeting were: Handicap Trial Stakes over five furlongs - first Iolanthe, second Premier and third Fly; Handicap Novelty Pony race over four furlongs -  Zoe, Palos then Woodbine; Garfield Handicap over 1¼ mile - Nemesis, second Millman (late Harkaway); Galloway Handicap over five furlongs - Palos, Miss Dive then Fairleigh;  Handicap Flying Stakes over 5¼ furlongs - Iolanthe, Nemesis then Millman; District Maiden Hack race over four furlongs - Patamba, Bung Smith then Honesty. The last race of the day was the Consolation race over four furlongs won by Fairleigh, second Premier with Honesty third. (5)
I don’t have a record of the prize money for the first race meeting but the prizes for the November 10 1902 race included 5 sovereigns for the Novice Race, Garfield Handicap, Novelty Pony Race and the Handicap Flying Stakes and 3 sovereigns for the Time Handicap Trot. (6) To give some perspective a sovereign was worth £1 and the average weekly wage of a male factory worker at the time (for a 48 hour week) was around  £2. (7)

The November 1902 race meeting was registered under the Victorian Racing Club Rules. (8). Other Race meetings held included a meeting in November 1903 with over 50 entries, some of them from the very best stables,  and whose appearance will add lustre to what promises to be a brilliant gathering. (9)

In those early days the horses were transported by rail and in April 1904 the Garfield Club Secretary wrote to The Argus newspaper with the following complaint -
Mr. J.T. Kelly, hon secretary of the Garfield Race Club, writes:- "I desire to bring under your notice the manner in which our race club has been treated by the Railway department. It is a common occurrence for horses to be left behind at railway stations owing to no horse boxes being available. Several horses were left behind between Melbourne and Garfield and a like number from Warragul owing to no horse
boxes being available. It is a great loss to  our country meetings when horses intending to race are left behind by the Railway department. The same loss must also apply to the Railway department. The common cry is "Why don't our railways pay?" The Garfield Club does not stand alone in this matter. Other country clubs are located in the same way. Considering the revenue the Railway department derive from racing people it seems only a fair thing to ask for a little more consideration. (10)

In spite of what sounded like a successful few years in December 1904 it was reported that the Garfield Race Club would be disbanded and was  to reorganise on fresh lines.  (11)  There are very few reports of the Club over the next few years and then in February 1909 there was a report that - A meeting of gentlemen was held at the lona Hotel on Saturday evening last, when it was decided to form a race club. (12). The office bearers of the new Club were -  President - Mr. E.J Hattersley; Vice President - Mr. M.J Walsh; Treasurer - Mr. H.A Hourigan; Secretary - Charles Cail and Stewards were John Daly, Charles Pitt (who was also Starter), M. Walsh, D. Danson, M.Doran  (who was also Clerk of Course); Clerk of scales - Mr. R. McNamara; Starter - Charles Pitt  and Judge was Mr. C. Pearson. (13). 

It would be interesting to know why a new Club was formed in late 1904 and another in 1909 - did people just fall out with each other? Did it go broke and have to start again?  It is hard to know 100 years down the track.

Garfield Race meeting,  March 1909

In any event, the new Garfield Racing Club held a race meeting on March 5,  1909 with a prize of £12 for the one mile Garfield Handicap, £10 for the six furlong Welter Handicap and £6 for the Iona District Handicap over six furlongs (14)

Special train to the Garfield races

Race meetings were reported up to 1913, including one held in the December of that year when the Garfield Race Club held its spring meeting on Tuesday under delightful weather conditions. There was a large attendance, and the racing was splendid  (15).  There are fewer reports of race meetings during the First World War, although a patriotic race meeting was held on May 6, 1915 - 
but unfortunately the attendance was not so large as anticipated. The president, Mr. T. J. Cryan, and the various officials were energetic in attending to their respective duties, whilst Mr. M. Reidy was thoroughly efficient as hon. secretary. In four out of six events on the programme good fields faced the starter, and three of the races furnished exciting finishes. (16)

After the War, attendances were booming, this is a report of a meeting held in November 1920 - 
The programmes at the Garfield races yesterday was lengthened to such an extent by divisions, rendered necessary by the large number of acceptances in the various events, that the second division of the second last race, and the last race, had to be abandoned, as the special train was timed to leave on the return journey to Melbourne at 5.55 pm. The attendance was large. More than 70 horses and ponies went from Melbourne(17). 

In 1923 the track was upgraded. In February it was reported that - 
The trustees of the Garfield recreation reserve have leased an adjoining property of 15 acres for three years, with the option of purchase. They have also leased for a term of 21 years an allotment, portion of which they intend to use as a birdcage for race meetings and the remainder as a public park. (18)  In  the October of the same year - Improvements to the race course are approaching completion, and a fine track had been prepared. Over £500 has been spent during the past few months. (19)  Some of the works included - running track has been widened, and agricultural drain pipes have been put down to carry away all surplus water. (20) 

In the 1920s and early 1930s there were regular reports of Pony races at Garfield, especially the St Patrick's Day meeting. This was the report from the 1929 event -
Probably the most successful racing fixture in Gippsland is the Iona St. Patrick's Day meeting, and the celebrations this year are likely to eclipse previous efforts. A pony race meeting will be held at the Garfield racecourse on Saturday, March 16, and other attractions are included. The Warragul Brass Band will be in attendance, and the catering and soft drink booth will be controlled by the usual and practically permanent ladies' committee, who have been canvassing and working hard for the past three weeks. (21)

Garfield wasn’t the only racecourse in the area. Racing at Nar Nar Goon had started in the 1889;  Racecourse Road in the town is  a reminder of the location of the racecourse. Bunyip, Iona, Cora Lynn and Koo Wee Rup also held race meetings.

However, in 1933 the Chief Secretary decided to curtail the number of race meetings in country areas, for the season which was to begin on August 1. Thus on July 10, 1933 he announced that Garfield had its races reduced from two to zero, Bunyip three to zero, Iona one to zero and the same for Cora Lynn and Koo Wee Rup.(22). 

The Age newspaper supported this decision -
Although unable to reduce the number of race meetings in the country below the minimum number allotted in 1929, action taken by the Chief Secretary in allotting the race meetings to be held in the new racing year, which opens on 1st August, will result in the closing of ten racecourses situated within easy distance of Melbourne. The action will be warmly endorsed by all persons, who have a sincere wish to serve the welfare of the sport of horse racing. It has long been recognised in sporting circles, that some of the country courses easily accessible to Melbourne by motor car should be abolished. There is no legitimate need for them. The local attendance is generally very small. The clubs depend mainly on visitors from Melbourne, and as genuine lovers of the sport are otherwise sufficiently catered for the meetings in question have had to depend to a very large extent on the undesirable class of patron from the metropolitan area (23).

Racecourses to be closed

So it was all over for Garfield and the other courses close to Melbourne, as this effectively closed these Clubs. A race meeting was held at Pakenham to liquidate the liabilities of the Garfield and Bunyip Clubs in December 1933, and then again over the next few years. Garfield had a debt of £344 and Bunyip of £1133, and both Clubs still had debts in 1936 (24).  

The Nar Nar Goon Race Club survived until 1942; but as they were only allowed one race meeting that year it was not worthwhile continuing.  All  the buildings on the site were sold at auction in November, 1942. (25). 

Trove list
I have created a list of articles on the Garfield Racing Club, access it on Trove, here.

(1) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, December 25, 1901, see here. 
(2) West Gippsland Gazette, February 18, 1902, see here
(3) Ibid. I found the given names of the men in the Electoral Rolls.
(4) West Gippsland Gazette, March 18, 1902, see here.
(5) Ibid
(6) The Argus, October 29, 1902, see here.
(7) The Tocsin, June 19, 1902, see here.
(8) The Argus, October 29, 1902, see here.
(9) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, November 4, 1903, see here.
(10) The Argus, April 5, 1904, see here.
(11) The Argus, December 7, 1904, see here.
(12) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, February 10, 1909, see here.
(13) Ibid
(14) The Argus, February 27, 1909, see here
(15) The Age, December 17, 1913, see here
(16) South Bourke & Mornington Journal, May 13, 1915, see here.
(17) The Argus, November 24, 1920, see here.
(18) The Argus, February 27, 1923, see here.
(19) The Age, October 11, 1923, see here.
(20) The Age, January 15, 1925, see here
(21) The Advocate, March 14, 1929, see here.  
(22) The Age, July 11, 1933,  see here.
(23) Ibid
(24) Dandenong Journal, November 9, 1933, see here. The Herald, June 23, 1936, see here.
(25) Bairndsale Advertiser, October 27, 1942, see here. Dandenong Journal, November 4, 1942, see here.